
Why does my back hurt?

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After I play golf, the lower left part of my back hurts? I'm right handed golfer. Why does it hurt?




  1. you probly have a slipped disk on your left side. prolly around your L5. i have the same problem. should get it checked out.

  2. Does it hurt the whole week before you play?

    Stretch before you play your next round, say for 10-20 minutes just to loosen up. If  you want an injury the easiest way is to go straight to the course and TEE OFF.

  3. The left hip, knee, ankle shoulder and back take a lot of pressure from the forward swing.  Mine almost always aches.  The faster that you swing with tight hamstrings and hips, the more susceptible (sp?) you are to injuring your lower back.  Try yoga or Egoscue Method of Health Through Motion.  This is the exercise book that Nicklaus says kept him from having his left hip replaced.

  4. you need to do some stretches

  5. how much does it hurt

  6. Couple other things to consider, ever had back problems before? How old are you?

    Ive worked with a number of players that complain of the same problem and it is usually created by a swing flaw. If your body gets in front of your hands you will create a bad angle for the spine - doing this repeatedly in the round will cause severe pain later in the round and after.

    Your spine should be on the same angle as address through out most of the swing. Pay special attention to your hip placement at impact, are your hips past (left of ) your left foot? Look at the bad spine angle created when that happens. That is probably the root of your back pain. Your left hip should be on top of, or behind your left foot at impact (considering a proper setup).

    As always, dont be afraid to stretch, or see a doctor.

  7. WOW... slipped disk? torn muscle? Really. Dude don't go to a doctor or freak out about it. If your right handed and your lower left back hurts it because you reverse pivot. You don't need to go to a hospital, you DO however need to work on finishing the swing with all your weight on your left foot. You wouldn't step backwards when you throw a baseball forward would you? Then don't hit a golf ball away from you and shift your weight backwards. That is the cause of the problem. Don't go to a doctor. you'll be fine. Keep it in the short grass!

  8. do you play golf often?

    if not, it could simply be that the muscles in your lower back are out of shape and when you shift your weight and turn your back it's straining them.

    if you do play often, you're probably not swinging the club correctly when you drive the ball and it's putting unecessary strain on your back. i would have someone look at your swing and point out what you should do differently to improve it. this way you won't hurt your back even more.

  9. It hurts because, you probably tore a muscle in your back.. Try stretching before you play next time.
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