
Why does my beagle only whimper and not bark???

by  |  earlier

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We just got a beagle from the neighbor down the road(he is 3yrs) any time he sees another dog he whimpers and does not bark. can some one explain.




  1. he's scared.don't force him towards the dog.Let him go if he wants too or make him run the other way if he wants to.

    whoa.I didn't know whimpering was the Beagle's thing.Thanks person above me!

  2. beagles dont bark they only whine  

  3. my puppy does that i think its because he wants to play with the dog my dog does it all the time.

    and if thats not what it is then i have no clueee.

  4. They can howl as well, but I've never heard a beagle bark. And really, you should count yourself lucky that your dog does not bark.

  5. My beagle is like that too. Some beagles are just quieter than others.  

  6. Maybe your dog just has good manners. I wish mine did! His previous owner also could have taught him not to bark. Depending on how he was trained, this could be a great thing!

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