
Why does my bearded dragon hate the color red so much and is aggresive to all felines and chases them like

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there food and leap at them and the cats look have scared to death of him




  1. I know what you mean, mine doesn't like red either. His food bowl is red and it can't even be set down before he is attacking it.  I'm not sure about the cat thing, my lizards have only met small dogs.

  2. Dragons are sorta like people. They all have different fears and different things that make them upset or aggressive. My beardie likes one of my cats, but the other one he HATES. Your beardie may hate the color red because it may be an eyesore to him. Red is a very bold color...heck I don't even like the color all that much lol. Also, he could hate cats because in the wild that's their instinct. Many cat-like creatures live in the desert and hunt beardies for food. He may just be protecting himself 'cause he feels threatened. I'm sure after some time he'll get used to cats and the color red and he won't feel so angry about them. Good luck!

  3. They all have different personalities mine likes to attack any other dragon or thing other than humans... also eats anything green even if its plastic... right nuisance

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