
Why does my bearded dragons bottom lip stick out?

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iv got two femeale bearded dragons one is just over a year old and the other one is about 10 months, the oldest ones bottom lip was fine when she was a baby now its starting to pop out, as for the little ones it always has been a sicky out bottom lip, i give them calseam powder on there food, but its not got better, also there not very big please help me make sure im giving them every think they need, i feed them locause and meal worms and water and bazel, apple




  1. Im not sure about the bottom lip, i have a beardie an he is fine but you shouldn't feed mealworms to young beardies.

    When feeding baby and juveniles, feed them appropriate sized crickets two to three times daily. Offer them as many as they can eat within a five to ten minute period. Additionally, you should offer your bearded dragon fresh greens daily, spray them with water as this will help keep them fresh, as well as keeping your bearded dragon hydrated.

    For adult bearded dragons, it is only necessary to offer their food once daily. Once they've reached adulthood you can begin to offer them locusts, Cockroaches, Mealworms, Waxworms, Zophobas worms, Silkworms, Butterworms, Red worms, Earthworms and just about any other worm available. These are used as treats in addition to the crickets and greens. It is recommended that you purchase all insects used in feeding your bearded dragon instead of catching them, as the ones in your back yard can have parasites on them. The parasites can be transferred to your lizard or can poison them. It's also recommended that you dust the insects with a calcium supplement daily and a multi-vitamin supplement weekly. Once your bearded dragon is finished eating remove any uneaten insects from the enclosure.

    There is a wide variety of greens that are available that are good for your Beardie. Dandelion greens, Collard greens, Mustard greens, Bok choy, Kale, Turnip greens, Escarole and Chicory are among the easiest to find and the best to use. Most types of lettuce are composed mostly of water and hold little or no nutritional value. With the wide variety of other greens out there, it is better and easier to avoid any type of lettuce. Spinach should also be avoided as calcium binds to it and will not be digested by your animal.

    A wide variety of vegetables can also be offered to your bearded dragon. Butternut squash, Yellow squash, Spaghetti squash, Acorn squash, all other varieties of squash, Green beans, Parsnips, Sweet potato, Snow peas and Carrots. Carrots should only be used as a treat though due to the high amounts of vitamin A. Any food with high amounts of vitamin A should be avoided, as reptiles do not absorb a lot of vitamin A. Feeding your lizard a lot foods such as carrots can cause a condition called Vitamin A toxicity which is deadly to your lizard. Squashes will have to be cooked before feeding them to your bearded dragon. This will soften them up so they can then be minced and eaten easier.

    Fruits can also be used, just avoid any citrus fruit such as oranges and grape fruit.

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