
Why does my belly button keep rejecting? Please help.!?

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I'm 15 years old and I've had my belly button pierced twice already. The first time I had it done it rejected after about a year, and just recently it just rejected after 4 months. I haven't really done anything wrong, well besides I sometimes cleaned it only once a day instead of twice(which only happened maybe 3 times). Then when I was swimming at my friends pool it, it got hit and kinda started bleeding so i got out, which leads to my next question- Does chlorine in pools(public or not) and hottubs affect wether it will reject or not? I soak it with water and salt 2 times a day. Then after a while the skin bewteen the hole gets really thin and the ring looks like it's just about to fall out so I had to take it out. I want to get it done a third time but people have told me maybe my body just won't accept the piercing. I've had my ears done and no problems but I was just hoping maybe someone can tell me where I went wrong and if I can ever have a successful and healthy belly button piercing. Thanks so much if you answer.




  1. idk.

    maybe you should wait a year or two and try it again.

    but since you've had it done twice already your body might just be rejecting it.

    and donttt use neosporin on it.

    when i got mine pierced the guy said its bad for it.

  2. my sister just resentley got her belly button pierced

    she says that you should clean it 3 times a day dont take it out dont swim in pools unless they are salt water if you do all of this for 6 months it should work if it dosent it could just mean you are allergic!

    it sounds like a lot of work but if you really want your belly button pierced it is worth it

  3. Your body just can't take it :/

  4. bellybutton piercings are technically a surface piercing, but some people's body's don't reject them. but, a lot of people's body's do reject and the chances are that if it rejects it once, it's going to reject it again and again.

    you can keep trying, by piercing underneath the scar tissue to make it harder to grow out but that probably wouldn't be a great idea. i'd say if you've tried then the likelihood of it happening again is very high.

    it's not always how you treat or care for the piercing that makes it reject, sometimes your body just can't handle it. that's the thing with surface piercings, you can take care of it the best you can but it will ultimately reject because it's not meant to be there lol

    try another piercing maybe?

  5. Be more careful

  6. Your bellybutton just doesn't want a piece of metal there, so it keeps forcing it out.  It could have a lot to do with your age too.  Wait until you're a couple years older and you're closer to being finished growing so it won't migrate as much.

    I've been in pool and hot tubs and never had a problem, but I waited until my piercing was healed until I went in either.

  7. keep it clean


  8. Maybe your body just can't handle a piercing there.  My sister has had numerous piercing and never had any problems but after trying a surface piercing in her side, both times she tried to pierce the skin there her body rejected the piercings.  

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