
Why does my bf's daughter act this way?

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i have been around since she was 5 months old, and i've been more of a mother to her at times than her own. so my question is, why, when she is at our apartment, does she completely ignore me?? she used to follow me around, talk to me, tell me things, play with me, sit on my lap to read a story, etc. even just this past christmas she was standing behind me in the kitchen saying how she liked the way my pants felt (velour sweatpants, nice and soft). after that day, she would come over and act like i'm not there. i try to talk to her, ask her if she's hungry, wants a drink, needs to use the potty...if i'm lucky i get a grunt. i don't know if her mother says c**p about me (wouldn't doubt it...i hate her mother but am nice for her and my bf's sake) but i try to be a good stepmom to her and i get really frustrated because i don't know what else to do, and my bf thinks i hate her because she doesn't interact with me and sits there. oh, and she always hurts my daughter on purpose, too.




  1. She may be feeling left out and jealous if you and her mother just recently had new babies. She is probably feeling like she doesn't know where she fits in right now. Try to schedule a "date" with just her to the playground or for lunch just to reassure her that she is still important to you. Make sure it is just the two of you so she won't have to share her time.

  2. The only thing I can think of is that she senses the tension between you and her mom.  Even if you are nice to her mom, trust me, she knows better.  Kids are great at sensing those kinds of things.  No matter what, her mother will always be Mommy to her, and she probably feels a loyalty to her.  Just keep being nice to her, never badmouth her mom, and try to be as nice as possible.  Good luck and hang in there.

  3. if u n her mom just had babies thats the problem my sons doing the same she sees u and her dad and the baby as a family and her left out. find a sitter for the baby u n her dad take her to the zoo or a water park something or someplace thats better than just a park so he feels special and still important to the both of u. the day my daughter came home from the hospital my husband took my son to the zoo all day. good luck hun

  4. i think that you should play games with your child in front of yolu bf's kid. Then maybe she will see how much fun yall are having and want to come play and interact with you. That is just a suggestion.!

    Good Luck. :)

  5. This poor child needs counsling and your BF needs to go too. A child in this enviroment is not getting parented. Just continue being nice but do not make any changes in your house rules. Stay consistant and your BF must as well. Hurting your daughter is not acceptable!

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