
Why does my bf see's nothing beyond my b***s?

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Yah I know how it sounds... but I dont know how many are in the same situation... I have been in a relation for 1.5 yrs now and he has always loved my b***s ..

He is a very nice person and concerned abt me... we always spend a lot of great time together. .... but when he is close to him, he just loves to touch my b***s .. I find it very embarassing & he has been explained abt it .. but then he behaves very dissatisfied

I see other couples just hugging and kissing and cudling each other .. catching hands ... he does all this but then he gets more closer in movie halls ...




  1. he's just a guy.

    Guys like b***s.

    It's nothing that doesn't happen to absolutely everybody.

  2. even my bf do this ... boy just like to press b***s because really they dont have b***s ... lol u dont need to be worry and if u dont like this ... tell this to ur bf i m dam sure from the next time he will not do this ....

  3. hey baby he loves you and he his honest with you that matters most

  4. thats guys for bf loves touching mine too..but he doesnt do it in public..but ofcourse if the movie theatre is empty then make out but not when theres ppl..but neways...

    i dont mind when my bf does it...he does it at the rite time and rite tell him to be a little more toned down so you arent feeling embarassed or will take a while for hiim to ease off of em a bit..because obviously its hard.haha

  5. he has moms boob fixation  once u lead him on he will go beyond and where u need it too

  6. SOME GUYS LIKE THATS UR BF. but not at all.  

  7. uhm...

    well if he loves ur b***s so much thts bcuz he loves b***s and right now he can actually play with them...

    i would be careful he's prob the bad kinda (LOOK HERE-LOOK THERE GAZING KIND OF PPL)


  8. its just all men dw about it

    i dont like to b like that staring at girls chests i try really hard not to

    but then my friends in class one day put paper in their bras and straight away my eyes wen to their chest guys cant help it im sure he will eventually learn to look else were but make do for now

  9. yea..

    most guys does tat..

  10. Tell him to leave them alone because youre embarrassed and then

    if he keeps doing it , dump him  

  11. dear every bf does it.....especially like u said at movie hall....

  12. He just loves your ****.  You should be flattered.

  13. different guys have different fattish for girls. some love b***s , others like hair , some soft skin , some feet , hands. so i guess in your case the guy likes your b***s and there is nothing wrong with that.

    if you are uncomfortable tell him how you feel , dont put up with something that is against your will.

  14. cause his world lies there

  15. Its totally alright dear, most of the guys r like this only..U r thinkin about it as u r introvert.. U will be fine after sometime..Moreover,he doesnt look here n there and looks only at u..what else u want.. u have got gr8 bf..i think..Look at the guys these days .. they walk with their wife or gf but always looking here n there

  16. That's nothing to worry about, one & a half years and he still loves touching them. You don't want to make him feel like you don't want him touching you as long as its in private.

    He might be confusing intimacy with sexual gratification. Holding hands and kissing , hugging is the bonding part of a relationship. Touching b*****s is more sexual in nature.This should not be happening in movie halls let him know when alone you in the mood or not.

    But in the public eye, you just don't like it.

  17. all guys are like dat even my bf he always touches my b***s when we r makin' love

  18. keep it cool ...everything else u  shared seems impressive take it start enjoying it if u really want to stick to this person

  19. well, i guess he's a boob man,

    unless you're uncomfortable with it, it's something you should feel flattered about.

    though i suggest you tell him to avoid doing it in public, because that's taking PDAS to a disgusting new level.

  20. maybe that his passion.

  21. guys LOVE b***s. If we had big b***s we would play with our own.

  22. look its normal for boy to love girls b***s, and dnt feel shy, and movie hall, well im sure at tht place u will not be only one doing tht in dark..

    dnt be shy,  

  23. honey, thats not just your bf thats every guy. lol

  24. Personally i think that he is a d**k. If your uncomfortable with it then make him stop, women/girls are not tools, they all deserve to be treated with respect and until you want him to do that just tell him to stop.

  25. Goodness... he likes you too.


  26. Somebody's  b/f needs to grow up. Tell him how you feel. If he is a decent person he will listen.

  27. how big are them thar boobies?

  28. i feel your pain, wear turtlenecks and make him look you in the

    eyes when he talks to you.  

  29. i guess the attractive gravity of your b***s is so great that he's stuck on them, he must be a boobie freak, far as i can imagine, he is grabbing boobies at other locations, people lie about such things, he must be the Al Qaeda Terrorist - Agrab Haboubi - i like b***s but i dont put them before my girlfriend's face.

    i think he's no good.

  30. because he is male. he honestly cannot help it.

    HOWEVER, he should respect you enough that if you asked to stop, he will slow it down a notch.  

  31. he probably had a previous girlfriend who was extremely flat and now he is making up for lost time

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