
Why does my bike need to rest???

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I have a 2003 honda cbr 600 and after riding for a couple hours straight ill stop to get gas, and the thing wont start for about 30 min.. it just turns the motor over with out kicking needs to cool or somthing. is this normal?




  1. Sounds like it is getting hot

    You might have to rejet the carbs (assuming it is not EFI, I am not sure) to a slightly richer mix.  If you are running full bore and runnig stupid on the street, it will likely need some tweaking.

  2. Not trying to be a smart as - did you try using the choke?

    Try the exact opposite - the choke might be flooding the engine.

    Try no choke and throttle wide open - that will let in more air, which is needed to start 4 strokes when they get hot.

    Once the engine fires, release the throttle.

  3. If the carbs are mounted close to the exhaust, you may be evaporating the fuel in the float bowls.  When the bike is in motion, airflow dissipates the heat. As the bike's engine and exhaust cool down, so does the fuel in the carbs and you're back on the road.  Its called Vapor Lock, and it is very common in bikes and cars.

  4. check for spark when this happens,,,coil could be on its way out

  5. The bike is fuel injected so carbs and any carb related problem is not an issue.   Weird problem to have.  Two quick guesses I have are the starter is not engaging therefore not actually turning the motor over or another would be a clogged fuel line, by clogged it could be due to a dirty filter or a vapor locked line.  Another thing to check would be to see if you have spark when this problem is happening, I doubt this to be your problem but it would be worth checking out.  I'm sure there are things I could be missing, if you could add any other details it may help to get a better answer.  Not that it really matters to solve the problem but in 03 Honda still made the CBR600f4i and just introduced the CBR600rr so we do not even know which bike you have, also please include info as to how often this is happening, like every time or just once and awhile, possibly the weather conditions, temp of the bike at shut off.  Hopefully someone on here will figure it out.

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