
Why does my bottom right eyelid twitch?

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Last night, my bottom right eyelid started twitching. It wouldn't go away, so I went to bed. When I woke up this morning, the twitching went away. However, it did twitch a few times during the day but that was it. It's not twitching right now, but I have a feeling it will come back again. I'm 23 years old and NEVER had twitching on my eyelids until now. What could be the cause for this sudden twitching?




  1. I had that awhile ago. . . and i told my mom about it and she told me to eat a banana and it went away. . .so u should try that. . .

  2. happens to me to

    were you straining your eye?

  3. its just a nerve, everyone gets it at some point in their life. i'm not sure what causes it though.

  4. stress.

    i had it the other week, same eye and everything!

    most seem to last for 2 to 3 weeks, it's a pain in the ****. but you can't do anything for it.

  5. I had this happen almost non stop for a little over a month. It will go away (although it seems like it never will!). Im sure there is a scientific explanation, but I wouldn't worry too much about it.

  6. i've had that too, never figured out why though.  

  7. I heard it was stress too until my step mom had told me she has it and it is constant.  It is something going on with her nerve to where she has to get botox to control it and for maintenance.

  8. Several possible causes:  stress, lack of sleep, allergies, and dry eyes are among them.

  9. Definitely stress.

    Happens to me all the time when I'm coming up on a deadline.  

  10. that occasionally happens to me. ive noticed that it can happen if you get an air bubble trapped under your eyelid. it may also be a sign that you need more sleep. your overworking your eyes. it also may be irritated. give it some time. im sure its nothing.

  11. maybe you have a stim

  12. My eye lid does that too... mine starts usually when I am really angry or after I laugh for a long time. LOL i hate it when I'm trying to talk to someone and it twitches, i just keep thinking "can they see that?" and i stumble over words LOL

  13. twitching can be caused by stress, over use of the eye (reading alot), or some irritation. mine does it when i read too much. it helps to rest as you found out or you can try applying pressure to it for about 1 min and a half.

  14. stress it's all it is

  15. dunno my sis had it, it seems only females have it, not being sexist or nuffin.cud b wrong tho

  16. Solution: Eat a banana.

    Things get twitchy when your potassium level is low.

  17. mine does that..its stress

  18. i have had that happen and people told me it is due to stress it lasts a couple days

  19. You caught a glimpse of the ****** gap.

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