
Why does my boxer dog hate it when I go out without him and go to bed??

by  |  earlier

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Whenever I turn everything off to go to out or to bed at night, my seven year old boxer looks really nervous and whimpers! As he is not allowed upstairs day or night, he is stopped from going upstairs by a dog gate. At night when I go to bed, he bashes the gate and door and whimpers! Occasionally I have let him come upstairs to sleep on my bed, but Is there any other way that I could calm him down?




  1. read up about pet 'separation anxiety' hth

  2. it could be separation anxiety.

    Also as you have said that you have let him up as he wouldnt calm down he has probley lurnt that if he makes enough fuss you will give in.

    the best thing is to ignor him when he starts as he will lurn that fussing wont get your attention or get you to come back, get him use to being left allown by going away for short periond at a time and come back when he is quiet and reward hin if he is quiet.

  3. your boxer must love u a lot and does not want to be separated but the older it gets the sooner it will settle down

  4. Your dog is anxious and should settle down in time.

  5. Boxers are prone to suffer separation anxiety

    the fact that you have let him sleep in your bed on occasions doesn't help matters

    If you want him upstairs, have him up there all the time

    If not you must not let him sleep upstairs anymore

    I guess you have to be cruel to be kind

    When he whimpers and cries you have to completely ignore him

    Obviously it's going to be hard as he's not an 8 week old pup anymore

    Do not give in to his demands, especially not at night

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