
Why does my boyfriend do this?

by  |  earlier

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Sometimes acts like he just can’t get enough of me, one minute, but then the next minute he acts like he is annoyed with me. Then he talks like we are just going to be great together, and calls from work to chat. He calls about three times a day. He then says stuff that indicates he doesn’t trust me. How can I show him that I am not going to cheat on him? He likes to be with me I think, we do different things together. I have met his whole family, but when I ask him to meet mine he says he doesn’t have time for that. What does this behavior mean? And what can I do? I like him a lot and I want to see where this goes. Maybe I am trying to move to fast, I don’t know. I need help bad.




  1. It sounds like he probably isn’t that interested in you. The fact that he is reluctant to make time to meet your family is a really bad sign. You say he is into you one minute, and then doesn’t want anything to do with you the next. This is another bad sign. It sounds like he is trying to play with your head.

    If it walks like a dog, smells like a dog, and barks like a dog, you can be pretty sure it’s a dog. Get rid of him before he ends up breaking your heart.

  2. You may ask him did you do somthing wrong if he treat you very cold, or maybe really you are trying to move too fast. Tell me what is the horoscope of your boyfriend, I will tell you what kind of personality do he have. I have a book all about boys. And you are not going to cheat on him, of course. How long have you two been dating? If you two just started, well, maybe he is not ready for a relationship yet. But if you two dated for a long time, well, think about somthing you did wrong.

  3. Sounds like he has no self steem. And not  too interested in your family or long relationship.

  4. you should be talking to him about it. ask him.

  5. maybe hes bipolar...?

    hah just talk to him about it! be mature about it too and dont make him even more annoyed just say something like

    "you seem to be annoyed by me lately.." or something like that

    good luck!

    pleaseeeee answer mine;...

  6. Sounds like a mood swing to me. Tell his something nice if he's insecure.

  7. he doesnt want anything to do with you

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