I've been with my boyfriend since March 18th of this year and we are close, but when I tell him I'm going to be hanging out with my brother or my dad he gets really mad. He even asked me if I had s*x with my brother!! When I hang with my other guy friends he doesn't get mad, ONLY with my BROTHER. I'm very close with my brother and we DO NOT do anything sexual...eww.. My question is why is he doing this. I spend all of my time with my boyfriend, so it's not like i neglect him, and like I said with my other guy friends he doesn't seem to care. This started happening for 2 months already. He isn't mental or anything, he's just acting like a jackass. Any Ideas???
Example:[ME:] "I'm hanging out with Shannon(brother) today, we're going to the Pier". [HIM:] "Why so you can suck him off and shittt? All you do is hang with your fuckking brother." [ME:] " I hung out with you all week!" [HIM:] "Well that's not long enough Mackenzie". [HIM:] "God you fucck him, but you wont fuckk me!" [ME:] "NO I don't Corey(boyfriend0.
Hope the details helped :)