
Why does my boyfriend m********e when he could have s*x with me instead?

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Just got home and found the wet spot on the covers..asked him and he denied it...made me mad that he lied about it. He said it's embarrasing. He said that all men do it. Why does he do it when he has me? Is his hand better than having a girlfriend? He says no it just happens. Can guys get an eroction for no reason at all? Confused and kinda hurt about this. Need answers!




  1. you're not always around. keep that in mind.

  2. Well -  Ready for this one...

    Your boyfriend is male.  This means he will mansturbate.  Not just a little either.  Its something we do all the time.  We have to.  We never know when our girl will decide to give us s*x or claim that they don't want to.  By default its a task we MUST perform.

    Let me repeat this point.  Its a task that we MUST perform.  We cannot stop doing it no matter what.  Its like you trying to prevent your period.

    Its required by nature, and we get instructed to do it regardless of your like or dislike of it.  You will never be with a guy that does not do it.  That is certain.  Some guys hide it better than others, but they are going to m********e and its not your fault.

    This is important to understand.

    So why ?

    Why is this so true.  I have a great girlfriend, and I jerk off all the time. I mean several times in any given day.  Sometimes I don't want s*x cause I just masturbated.  Its sad but that is true.

    Other times she doesn't want any and I am fine with that cause it minutes I fine again.

    To better understand.  You must remove all your intenal inhibitions about s*x and relationships.  That's right !  Dump all the presonal stuff. No step into a new world order.  The one which we live and die in.

    Welcome to nature.  Mother nature makes us m********e.  The force is greater than anything you have to offer.  The force is greater than the opinions of all the women on earth.  He mastubates because he is built to.   Its his job to mastubate on you.  Its a way to ensure you get what you want.

    Let me explain.  To fully understand this process you need to go down to the cell level.  He is doing the impossible.  He is making a sperm cell and keeping it in storage for you.  That's right.  He is storing away a fresh supply and its all for you.

    A spem cell is a fragile thing.  Its an enemy of the body.  Genetically it is only half of him.  The body would normaly attack and kill it.  So nature added a helper cell.  A cell that togather with the sperm cell causes the immune system to be fooled.

    A fantastic event.  Should the body realize the cell is not 100% made of your DNA it would kill it and make puss out of it.

    The weakness to this design is that the helper cell has a shelf live. A short life span and one which is temperature sensitive as well.  This forces the scotum to go up and down in an effort to maintain a constant temperature.  He knows nothign of this mind you... Its all automatic.  

    He might like you as a person, but this is s*x world here.  He is in this game to squirt this into you.  And its a serious game at this level.

    About 8 million of them will try to get into your pants.  Most a re doomed to the sink or towels of our society.  Carpets, beds sofas, weeds, where ever we go we leave a trail of goo !  Cool hu ?

    Anyway back to this natutre business.  Whe the helper cell dies off he will start to become horney for making it with you.  Which is often !

    If he does not do anything he runs a danger.  The sperm will be attacked and the immune system will make planes for the creation of an anti-body to help kill off this invader.  This is bad and has lead to highly reduced sperm couts in males of later years.

    We are killing our own sperm because we did not get rid of the old and replace it with fresh supply.

    Now you are startign to understand why he might want to not do it but cannot.  Males do not masurbate because they just think its a cool thing to do.

    Its nature demanding this process to be conducted and NOW !

    Your period is not something that you can stop doing right ?

    While our mastubation is a Physical Act, and voluntary by most accounts.  Msturbation often is regarded as a voluntary task.

    Its NOT and by a long shot.  No pun intended.

    If he does nothing or cannot, then nature will finally get fed up and will do it for him in his sleep.

    Either way it will be done, and you will never be able to stop it because he is a man now and that is our job.  Its all we do darling.  But when you want it we usually have a resh supply ready to populate the world.

    For proper health masurbation should start around 4 to 5 years of age.

    That is when I started.  Of course I was not shooting any juice.  That starts at about 14, but mastubation at 10 and 11 can be many times a day.  Often like 10 to 20.  Most guys would never tell you about that, but even more interesting is that they will share this with boys of similar age.  Ill show you mine if you show me yours.

    This is no way is a g*y or anthing type of thing.  Its a comfort zone. Recall that girls at this age have  "cuddies"  an  other boys are a safe bet.  They need to understand that what they are being instructed to do by nature is like ok and right.

    I hope this explains your boyfriends mastubation for you.  Just to be clear.. Mastubation is not just for males.  You in fact have a similar thing to ours, and it gets hard and it needs attention and you should feel free to take matters into your own hands.

    In society there are rules and regulations and such..

    None of these rules apply to our proper health,and its the women who do mastuyrbate that have the least problems in life later in their years.

    I hope you can now fully respect his situation and perhaps I opened your eyes to your own self and as well.

    This is you best answer...  I know it is...   Be good to him dear.

    He's doignit for you anyway....

    Well I am going to make sure I have a fresh supply for my girl tonight.


  3. Honey it has nothing to do with you AT ALL. I have had the same problem with my now ex boyfriend. It made no sense and it was very hurtful. I'm pretty sure all guys do it weather they have a gf or not and he probably is pretty embarrassed by it. As long as you are having a healthy s*x life together i wouldn't worry about it.

  4. no matter how much s*x a guy has he'll always m********e, its quick and easy and doesn't really need much effort. don't be offended its normal!

  5. If you accept this now you will have a guy that will cheat on you. Noone on here seems to want to tell you the truth. I have never been with a guy that does that. It is a lie if guys say that they all do. They dont. Its like saying all guys cheat or that women use men. There is a bad lot but you look through the bunch and find the good ones. When they look at mags and **** off they are not fantasizing about you (some say they do but its a bunch of bull) so as far as Im concerned its a form of cheating. I used to check to make sure that any guy I dated never looked at "s**t" or did there wanking thing. I can tell if a guy lies. I picked good ones. I finally chose one guy and married him and we have been together for years. We have a great s*x life because he gets it whenever he wants. This guy already looks at s**t, fantasizes without you and lies. You stay you will be losing out on the REAL men...

  6. Dont take this personally at has nothing to do with not enjoying s*x with you or preferring his hand. i use to enforce the "no jerking off" rule with my bf's and took it to heart when i found out they did. some guys need a "release" more than one time a day. sometime we need to blow a load really fast and masturbating is the fastest way to do it. my boyfriend and i fully admit that we jerk off, but it doesnt hurt our relationship. we dont jerk off in place of having s*x. sometimes we just get a ***** and need to relieve it. try not to make this a huge issue because it will cause him to become closed down when it comes to talking about s*x.  

  7. could be that he gets stimulated at different times, happens when you're not around.  could be that he's doing it watching p**n

  8. it's because you're not skinny enough

  9. He does it because he's a guy. Masturbating is something he does. Don't be hurt: His doing so does not mean he doesn't love you or that he does not find being intimate with you fulfilling.

    Yes, guys get erections for no reason at all. Sometimes they take care of them by masturbating, but otherwise they just go away on their own. It is natural and comfortable for him to m********e, and he's been doing it a long time. It does not mean he is dissatisfied by you or that he does not care for you.

  10. My boyfriend does it and tells me about it sometimes, it doesn't bother me. Kinda turns me on actually lol..They all do it.

  11. its normal, everybody does it.   He could be with the hottest movie star and he would still do it.   The only time it becomes a problem is if he's not having s*x with you anymore

  12. its normal dont worry about it

    also yes they can get a random erection

  13. maybe he scared to ask for some babi..

  14. We, men, like that so its a normal thing

  15. Yes masturbating can be embarrassing for some guys when a girl asks them about it! Don't be offended by this though. He will always do this, so instead of being against it, help him?. Share the fun :P

    And yes we men can get an erection about the smallest of day to day things. A bus trip home(the vibrations) A small fantasy, all sorts of things will set us off. Don't feel hurt, be happy that he can get an erection!lol

  16. because he wants to be a 88 year old virgin

  17. Hunny, it's fine.  Men m********e all the time, even if they are getting a ton of s*x.  It's a natural urge for them to disperse as much seed as possible.  Guilting your man about it will just cause him to hide it more.  It only becomes an issue if he starts turning down s*x.  Men can get erections at any time, and it doesn't take a lot of outside stimuli to get their motor running.  Don't take it personally, it's not about you or your guys s*x life.  Don't worry about it, and tell him you just want him to be honest with you, and not hide anything, and promise not to judge him for being a male.  

    Good luck!

  18. You cannot seriously be jealous of his hand!! Women are truly insane!

    Like, this dude is your bf.. but you dont own his genitals. Grow up. So the guy had a ****. So what. Poor b*****d. I feel sorry for him. I just can't imagine my life continuing where my own imagination is being fettered by my lover.

    YOu are lucky he didnt just walk out on  you ... control freak!

    Yes, men do m********e. It has nothing to do with anybody else... it's just him using his own mind to get a minute of pleasure. You know.... some things a woman cannot do! No.. you do not control the s*x. A lesson best learned early.

  19. Well I'm in your situation my boyfriend watches a lot of p**n and i walked in on him Jerking off, I was only gone for four hours and when I'm around him he wont approach me, I told him the it bothers me and he just wont stop it feels like he prefers jacking off, he

    watches p**n when I'm in the house too.. It's such a turn off we'll have s*x and as soon as i leave he jacks off  I don't know what to do he makes me feel so un attractive and it hurts me a lot.  I cant get him off p**n.. and he likes young looking girls too.. he's 35 and I'm 22 please help what should i do?  

  20. He is in control, not you,

    GET OVER IT sweetie

    He will leave you if knows you have posted this!!

    I sure would.

  21. If you weren't around then it wasn't really in preference of s*x...he felt like it and didn't want to wait...that's fair enough, I've done that and I'm a girl! And yes, guys do get spontaneous erections. If you guys are still having good s*x then I wouldn't consider it an issue. It's normal for people to m********e even when they have s*x. I would only consider it a problem if he repeatedly turned you down in order to m********e and did it while you were there wanting s*x. Don't worry.


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