
Why does my boyfriend want to pee on me?

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Umm, what in the world? I've been with him for 3 years, and he keeps insisting I let him try it. Does anyone know why ANYONE in the right mind would want to do this?




  1. He must have some sort of strange fetish.  I wouldn't do it, it sounds unsanitary.  Ask him for a good reason why you should let him do something so weird.

  2. well ew but maybe it turns him on for some reson?

  3. i wouldn't allow that...its totally disrespectful to a woman...hold your dignity and tell him a very firm no...i suspect its something he has seen in a p**n movie and wants you to fulfill his fantasy...let it remain a fantasy!

  4. It's a form of sexual fetish called urolagnia.  It is generally considered outside the norm for sexual practices.  Sexual fetishes come about through a variety of different ways, and if they interfere with his life, they sometimes respond to psychotherapy, but they are often pretty ingrained and difficult to overcome.

    As with anything sexual, as long as it is between two consenting adults, there's no problem. If you are uncomfortable with the idea, then it is off limits, and he should not continue to pressure you.  If he does, then you probably need to be looking for a different boyfriend.

  5. Something is REALLY wrong with him. Let him go.

  6. Does your boyfriend have issues with using a toilet or something.? i mean this is just disquesting, def. don't let him do this.

  7. eww dont let him

    ull regret later if u let

    him do that

  8. EEwww

  9. It is the ultimate in degradation.  It would prove to him that you are indeed subservient and less then a person.

    The real question is why are you still with this guy who wants to pee on you?

  10. lol that's gross. one of my friends say it's "s**y" to empty their waste (pee, ejaculate, p**p) on girls. i think not!

  11. This is a sexual fetish some people have.  If it is something you are absolutely NOT willing to try, make that VERY clear to him and ask that he quit bringing it up.  If he can't respect that, then you might have to reconsider the relationship.

  12. w/e

  13. Its a Fetish that some pepole have.

    try this. its called Urolagnia

  14. He's different...

  15. He might have a weird interest.. =/

    Idk, but I wouldn't let him do that.

    Maybe try asking him why.

  16. Don't do that...ew. Some people are into that sort of thing. It sounds like he's been watching some pornos to think that's how the real world works. Don't get yourself into that...there's only more weird things to come from that. No telling what he'll want you to do next. Has he been molested as a child? Seriously, if he has, this could mean some bad things for you down the line. He obviously has lovemaking mixed up with something else.

  17. god no....but for the love of all girls dont let him...

  18. haha that made my day(well the rest of my day) ask him why he wants this

  19. Aww isnt that sweet?

  20. I've heard of is a type of fetish. He gets sexual pleasure from peeing on someone. If it's not your kind of thing then he should quit insisting. He might keep bugging to point where you give in then you will be in a situation where he wants to do it all the time and you aren't enjoying yourself. Tell him you don't like that and you will not ever let him do it. If you do decide to let him do then make sure you are okay with it don't force yourself to like it. Couples do do this and way crazier things but again if it isn't for you then don't do it.

  21. Only if you have a jelly fish sting. Then it would help relieve the pain.

  22. Peeing is something that some people incorporate into s*x.  That's all.  Nothing to have an aneurysm over.

    Why don't you pee on him?  See how you (and he) like it.

  23. ew

  24. Maybe hes like paris hilton & thinks that s*x is where a guy pees on a girl. LOL

  25. I think it's kinda gross. Maybe he wants to impersonate R. Kelly?

    Ha ha. I'm kidding. I don't know. Only he can answer that, but it's highly unsanitary.

  26. gross tell him no and ask him why he would want to do that kind of wired that he wants to do that

  27. This is why they have toilets haha

  28. lmao maybe he just wants to experiment with things?

    ask him why and tell him that you dont want to.

    ask him if its alright if YOU pee on him. maybe he'll understand better that peeing on your girlfriend is just ..*raises eyebrow*




  30. no im not sure. kinda wierd though. ahah dont let him

  31. This is a fetish that seems to be growing more popular...if it's all he talks about rather than normal intercourse, that's bad. I guessit reminds me of an o****m on demand...?

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