
Why does my brother keep hitting me?

by  |  earlier

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See the thing is, just last week I told him to take off this shoes in the house, he then charged at me and hit me in the head and back at least 10 times. I ended up calling the cops. My parents blame me, for some weird reason. Is it me, or him that really needs counseling. I do aggravate him, but that does not mean that he needs to get physical on me. And it hurts , not only with physical pain, but mentally too, because after all, he is my brother.




  1. I would just leave the kid alone it sounds like he has problems.

  2. Thats just horrible tell your parents or ask him to move out.

  3. Sounds like he needs to be locked up. You need to feel safe and he needs therapy. That was not a good reason to hurt someone. He has problems

  4. Because he's getting away with it. Next time defend yourself. Pick something heavy up and knock his s--t out! Then he'll think twice about attacking you! Don't be a victim!

  5. wow.. how old are you guys?

    if he's older i would feel the same way. he does need help. tell him that he's hurting you. mentally. maybe he'll cool it. if not then he does need some help on controlling his anger

    consult a school counselor.. or talk to someone more understanding. your parents really need to back you up! i cant believe they would let him do that!

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