
Why does my brother keep laughing at me, what should i do about it?

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Hes 24, im 20 were both home from college for summer. I dont have hardly anything to do with him but when he sees me, he makes a smirk on his face and starts laughing like hes laughing at me, i say "whats so funny"? he goes "oh nothing" then just goes off by himself.

This happened about 10 times already

Then today I was sitting in the living room, he walks in and starts talking me to me that mom is going with him to buy furniture, he makes that smirk again at me and looks at me up and down with a smirk and starts laughing at me, he luaghed so hard he had to leave the room, I told him "whats so funny? "What are you laughing at"?

He says nothing and goes off by himself.

Its making me feel really self conciously, like he must think im ugly or something or gross,,

Why is he doing this? WHat should i do about it? what should i say?




  1. take his power away, and ignore him. he feels like he is in control right now and likes it. walk out of the room or don't look at him when he messes with  you

  2. I think he's messing with your head too. Ask him politely to stop and if he continues mess with his head by wrapping a chair around it. He'll soon get the message.

  3. He's most likely trying to mess with you. Don't let him get to you. If anything, mess with him back. See if he likes it.

  4. He is messing with you.

    You would think by age 24 someone would have grown out of that phase.  I say retaliate.  By the way, he sounds like a loser if he is STILL in school going for a bachelor's degree.

  5. My initial reaction is to say that he's just being a smarmy  teen (no disrespect intended towards respectful teens).  But then, I saw that he's 24.  I don't know.  Maybe he's just trying to mess with you.

  6. He probably heard something about you from your parents that was really funny. Jus ignore him lol,  boys can be really immature sometimes, he'll eventually get tired or bored of messing with you

  7. I think he's just messing with your head.

  8. You could ask him if he as any problems, drugs, drink, mental as he seems to be acting in a disturbed way,

    You can always bring your parents in on the problem - when he is in he room ask your mum or dad have they noticed your brothers laughing problem.

    Of course he may have a problem, acne, broken heart, bad self imagine, he may find you far more confident, and better looking, you may be more popular, have a better relationship with your mum, the list is unending - he may be feeling mighty insecure himself and need some re-assurance.

    For sure excessive laughing can be equated to a nervous disposition.  He may just be a s****t, and realises that it flusters you to be laughed at.

    Whatever, communication is the best way to deal with this.

    Say to him when there are witnesses around

    "Have you got something on your mind, that you want to talk about, now or later?"

  9. your brother is having a severe jerk attack   ignore him   you have a life of your own  thats   one     the other   maybe  he and your mom has some sort of surprise for you     you should  ask  her     if thats not it    go back to  one

  10. I just think your brother is really immature, especially to be 24. It seems he's only laughing at you because he knows it annoys you. So I think you should just pretend like it doesn't bother you next time(just shrug it off and walk away), then he'll eventually get the hint and leave you alone.

  11. He acts like a little kid.

    Ignore him as much as you can. He'll get tired soon of not receiving any response.

    Some people keep behaving like little kids even when they are in their 20's.

    If it it worries you ask him if he has issues or any problem you can help him with.

  12. Hes a really immature 24 yr old. Im 13 and more mature than him. How sad...

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