
Why does my bunny thump her feet?

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when ever my bunny hops on to the couch she thumpes her foot afetr words, why does she do this? she doesn't do this uless she jumps on to the couch.




  1. Usually it means they are upset about something.

  2. Lol, cute, it meens shes happy

  3. A rabbit usualy thumps bec they are mad. Bec of you or something in the room it dose not like. Maybe you took it out when it wanted to be left alone or it dose not want you to close. Also it means that your rabbit is upset. So give your rabbit some space. If your rabbit dose not stop if few seconds calm it down bec it could pull something or break its back if it thump to hard.

  4. Haha, cute.  Different reasons, perhaps.

    She's showing dominance?  She's thumping her foot on a high point in the room to get everyone's attention and let them know that she has claimed this area as her own.

    She's warning you.  If she sees the TV or something else weird, she might be trying to protect you.

    Attention.  She might just want your attention because she's bored or because she wants you to play with her.

    Observe her actions before and after it, maybe she's trying to tell you something?

  5. she's angry or scared

  6. Rabbits thump their hind feet to signal danger. Some rabbits will thump one foot on the ground, some will thump both hind feet at the same time. Rabbits aren't very vocal so thumping is their way of communicating. Usually this means they have heard something odd and it could be potentially harmful e.g.. A cat outside the door. Sometimes when you surprise rabbits they will thump at you to show their displeasure at being caught unawares. Thumping can also be an expression of displeasure, for example "Don't ever pick me up and hug me ever again!".

  7. Do you tell her no after she jumps on the couch?  Mine would only do that when I told her no- I guess it was my tone of voice.  If so, she's telling you she's mad.

  8. oh i think that's just normal for bunnies, maybe that's why they named the bunny in bambi thumper!!! :)

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