
Why does my cable bill continue to go up?

by  |  earlier

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I live in GRR,MI. My cable bill continues to rise every month. I haven't had 2 months in a row where the bill has been the same. We don't have premium channels; we have internet and expanded cable. We watch movies, but they're all free. We have 2 adults in the house; so no unexpected charges. What's up?




  1. I know. It's the same where I am. They don't feel they have to answer to anyone. Monopoly.

    I hope that bill passes where we can pick and choose the channels we want to watch to lower our bill. Why should we pay for channels we don't watch? I would trash MTV the first second it became an option.

  2. that doesnt make should be the same every your local provider.

  3. Someone has to pay for all those CEO bonuses.

  4. sneaky cable companies...

    wanna have some fun?  call them and ask them their specials... normally they will have free promos, or movie channels for a dollar... something for nothing.  sign up for the promo, and cancel it one day before it ends.  then call the next day and do it again on whatever their new promo is.

    I havent paid for movie channels in a year or so, and have them all.  Stick it to them instead.  I even one time upgraded to the internet/phone/digital cable package (previously no phone) because it was 10 bucks cheaper per month than without the phone.  It was a 3 month promo, needless to say, it was fun having a home phone for almost 3 months and saving money because of it.

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