
Why does my car overheat?

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i have a 2002 chevy malibu and it keeps on overheating. water keeps on coming out of the reservoir




  1. stop driving your car!

    go see a service technician immediately.  

  2. Thats because its a chevy,

    They aren't reliable cars and they made them cheap for big profits so its not your fault. GO see a mechanic though

  3. have you had the thermostat checked?

  4. It is definitely a problem with your radiator weather it is cracked, the hose is loose or has a hole, or it is the radiator cap.  Unless you are good with cars then you will have to see a mechanic to fix the problem.

    I had the same problem my radiator hose came off so there was no water in the reservoir and the engine was overheating.

  5. Bad radiator cap. Will not hold pressure letting coolant to escape into the overflow bottle.

      In today's cars, the pressure must be maintained to avoid the overheating problem.

      I doubt if you have a problem with either the hoses or a cracked radiator, the mere fact the water is being lost throught the overflow is an indication the cap is weak.  That's the only way water can get to the overflow is past the cap.

  6. Sounds like you may have a cracked radiator or have a hole in it somewhere. If it's a smaller hole you can crack an egg into the radiator and that will seal the hole temporarily. But it would probably be best to take it to a shop and have it properly diagnosed and fixed. Better safe than sorry.  

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