
Why does my car shake when braking? Could it be something other than rotors?

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I drive a 2003 Alero with 112,000 miles on it.

It shakes and twitches when I brake at speeds over 40 mph.

But, it seems that it gets worse on different surfaces/pavements.

When I had my last oil change 2 weeks ago at a full service station, I asked the mechanic and he said that my brakes "don't look bad."

Could he be mistaken, or is it something else?

I don't know the entire history of the car and services performed on it, though I've had it for one year and the problem is steadily getting worse.




  1. If the mech says your brakes look good he is meaning the pads look thick and the rotors dont have "hot spots" or "streaks". Unless he physically took the pads off and inspected them, the calipers and spun the rotors on a lathe he can't tell if they are warped. What you need to do is get the brakes fully inspected and go from there. I am actually about to go do the same thing for my buddy's car today. He is having the same problem so when I look at them I can let you know what his problem was.

  2. Could be warped brake rotors which means they are out of round due to heat cycles and old age.  It could also be an issue with your front end such as tie rods, ball joints, strut tops etc.  

    More than likely it is just the bad rotors and that is something you cannot see by just looking at them.  They will have to be turned which is taking material off of them to get them round, or just replaced.

  3. Simple...Your brake rotors are warped. Not a safty thing more of an annoyance. If you feel it more in your seat (butt) it is coming from the rear. If you feel it in the steering wheel. Its the front brakes. If your front pads look okay then just replace your rotors. They may try to seel you pads to. Witch wouldnt be a bad idea.  

  4. When he says "don't look bad", figure on another mechanic, as you cannot tell the condition of rotors by just a quick visual inspection.

      They can very well be warped and this condition is not always easy to spot by just looking.

      What you are describing sounds like either rotors or worn tie rod ends or both.

      Have the wheels aligned  and they will check all steering parts for wear, and also they can determine what the possible problem  or problems might be.

      When having any tire work done, rotation or replacement, make sure they "hand torque" the nuts, as over tightening them can warp the rotors immediately.

  5. looking at brake pads not bad cant tell if rotor are warped.. most comon problem is rotors warp when braking and it shakes it could be something in the front end  but not as likely as a brake rotor..... replace pads and have rotors turn really only way to fix it

  6. replace shock absorber

  7. warped rotors will also cause tyres to be out of round and after getting the rotors machined if the car still vibrates this is the most likely prob

  8. It sounds like your brake rotors need to be "turned". Over time the rotors can warp, or develope high and low spots on them. When that happens, then when you step on the brake pedal, it will feel like a pulse or vibration through the brake pedal. When your mechanic said the brakes don't look bad, he was refering to the brake pads. Just looking at a rotor will not always tell you the entire story. Take the car to a mechanic and have him test drive it, he should be able to make a pretty good guess on where the problem is.

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