
Why does my car suck when it rains?

by  |  earlier

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alright this is they the thing. i live in san antonio texas and when it rains it sucks. they city does not believe in building bridges over low water crossing. so everything floods.

any ways what is up with this. any one have any idea why i can drive my moms cavelier through almost like a foot of water (i mean plowing through the water to) without stalling but when i go through two inches in my focus the thing seems to nealry die

now i dont even bother drivign my car when i can drive my moms when there is a big storm liek today




  1. Your car doesn't suck, your attitude about driving thru water does. You don't do it in a low slung car.

  2. What year is this focus because you could be already having the same problems that everyone else is having with the ignition switch and the rain could be causing this by getting everything wet.

    Have it checked but Ford will not fix it for you and if this is the problem it will cost you near $500.00.

  3. The Cavalier may have better ground clearance and/or the engine may be better protected from the under side.

    The weight of the cars is important as well...your Focus will be lighter than your mom's could float away if you drive through water that is too deep for the Focus.

    To me, the important thing is safety...since you know the limitations of your Focus, be careful and don't push them during floods.  Don't take the Cavalier's performance for granted, also has it's limits and it doesn't sound like a good idea to find out what they are.

  4. You probally have a bad electrical connection. What you can do is when its dark out open the hood and spray the engine compartment with a water hose, if you see any sparks then you know where to fix it...not sure if your Focus has a distributor or coil packs make sure wires going to them are okay....  good luck

  5. what can I say made in the usa

  6. The distributor is getting wet on the Focus.

    The Cavilier has no distributor.  Most of the electronics are located high in the engine compartment.

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