
Why does my cat always attack me?

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i think my cat is crazy. every chance he gets, he stalks me or my husband. he will leap from behind doors and hide in clothes baskets.....when we walk by, he will attack us! it never fails that he will do this many times throught the day. why does he do this? it can be very annoying.





  2. because he doesnt like you

  3. hes playing around

    my cat does the same thing

    cats also do it for attention

    try buying it a toy or something so it can get its mind off u and focus on that  

  4. It's a cat's way of playing.  In nature they stalk and pounce on prey - and as a kitten is learning this behavior, they usually stalk and pounce on it's sibling or parent.  You need to stop this behavior though, because as it gets older, it'll hurt more - or the cat may hurt a visitor.  Tell the cat in a firm and loud NO! everytime he does it - be consistent.  If you know he's about to do it, squirt him with water.  Do not play with him when he does it, it is rewarding bad behavior.  Good luck,

  5. He's playing with you.

  6. he could smell other animals on you or want something that'ss what my cat does or he could just be playing  

  7. My cat used to be really bad about doing that now he does it less. Sounds like he isn't getting as much attention as he wants/needs. Try playing with him more and giving him extra attention it seemed to work with my cat. The only time my cat does it now is if I have been away for a while and he wants love.

  8. I don't know why your cat attacks but I am having real problems with one of mine, We cannot walk past her but she growls and hisses and claws at your leg, This started suddenly about three weeks ago before that she was a lovely placid little cat,She has taken to running and hiding and growling. We are becoming very wary of her and nervous,she wouldn't let my daughter upstairs the other night,but sat on the stairs snarling,Sometimes she is her normal self, purring and wanting stroked ,then she suddenly turns.  Any advice ??

  9. my cat does that too. I think its just their playful nature. Also, it might be seeking attention. If he is really hurting you and you want him to stop, squirt him with some water (it wont hurt him) But he really just wants to play they are predetors after all.

  10. LOL how cute hes just playing with you lighten up and play with him some more

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