A few weeks ago I adopted a seven month old cat named "Tommy" from the shelter. At the shelter, he seemed extremely affectionate. So, we picked him, and took him home. And then, it began.
For him, no does NOT mean no. As much as I swat him in the butt (not hard), and push him off the counters, and shout, he does not understand that we don't want him there. Then, after I do that, or, out of the clear blue, he'll start biting me and scratching at me. Hard. Then, after I try to walk away, he'll rear up on his hind legs and attack my leg. He's caused me nothing but sadness.
I've done nothing but try to make this cat happy, with toys and treats and kindness, but I honestly just don't think he likes me. What should I do? Should I bring him back to the shelter, or try and wait until he grows out of it?