
Why does my cat do this? WHAT DOES HE WANT?!?

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ok so i love my cat sunny soooo much. hes friggin awesome. he only follows me around and sleeps with me. i take care of him and feed him change his litter box but EVERY ******* NIGHT he meows realllllyyy loud at the bottom of the stairs so i can hear him at like 2:00AM. so i go downstairs to shut him up and wen i turn the lights on by his food he goes to eat. so i figure thats wat he wants. um, no. i go back 2 sleep and 10 minuts later he ****** wakes me up agen and i chech his litter box n its fine. I DONT NO WAT THE **** HE WANTS!!!!!!! wat else can i do? i mean, i work 3 jobs n go to skool so i barely see him during the day. is this just for attention or can he not eat with out the lights on?? i ahev no idea wat else to do. OH AND ANOTHER thing. he likes to push the door of my room open and go on the other side of the door and scratch at it and meow to wake me up n then after i come back up stairs after trygin to figure out wat he wants, he goes o the other side n does the same thing. I GOTTA GET TO SLEEP but he wont let me. wat the h**l can i do?? oh i love sunny alot by the way. this is the only thing he does that pisses me off haha.




  1. our cat Belle does this from the bottom of the stairs. We yell to her "Belle!" And after a few minutes she comes running up stairs. She also has a tendency to do this with her "mouse" toys -- sometimes we think she is announcing a successful hunt b/c after meowing for awhile she'll come running with a toy mouse in her mouth & drop it at the foot of the bed, our feet, etc.

    Some cats are just more talkative than others -- sounds like he just wants your attention.

  2. hahaha he just wants your attention, and the more you get up when he meows the more he is going to do it cuz he knows it works! cats are night creatures and are more active in the night than in the day as they are hunters. fill up a bottle with water and keep it by your bed, if he goes to your room and tries to wake you up spray him but dont get up and never feed him as you would be encouraging him to do it more and more often. try to play fetch with him a lot just before you go to bed to make him tired!!

  3. Sounds to me like he really wants attention, especially since you work 3 jobs and go to school.  Do you take time out to play with him?  That's probably your cause right there; take about 30 minutes to play with him every day, and see if he doesn't improve.  It doesn't have to be 30 consecutive minutes, but anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour is the bare minimum amount of attention you should give your cat.

  4. It does seem that he adores you as much as you adore him. As for feeding him during the night like that, have you thought of putting his food near an electrical point so you can plug in a childs night light, its what we use in our pens, and also because the days can be more noisy than nights, we put a radio in the pens also, ok low as not to annoy anyone, they like home comforts as much as we do. And maybe hide a few treats around the house before going to bed, for him to sniff out during the night. Goodnight, sleep tight.

  5. LOL! He's bored and wants your attention and he has taught you how to respond when he meows. You need to buy some earplugs and grit your teeth and ignore him.

    Can he go out? If so I would get a cat flap installed so he can go out at night. My boys are always out on the tiles at 2am, it's the most active time for cats. He's probably bored to death.

  6. sounds like he wants your attention... and he's getting it! sounds like he's got you wrapped around his little finger.. err ..paw...

  7. Sounds like he wants your attention and he's getting it too. You need to ignore him or try to occupy his time with a new toy. My male cat will cry when he wants to go outdoors.  He's an indoor only but sometimes he still wants to go outside. Eventually he stops his crying.  

  8. if your door is closed open it he might like to know that your bed is always there when he is tired

    he might be lonely so either try 2 spend more time with him or during the day leave him at a friends house or get him a new toy or doll or even a companion

    if he is just a kitten then he probably doesnt know what he wants

  9. Sounds like Sunny is begging for attention and he sure is spoiled because he's getting it. I love and adore my cat Misty and she does the exact same thing on certain nights. During the weekdays we normally prop our bedroom door open a bit so she can come in and out of our room if she wishes. On the weekends we prefer to sleep late and we shut the door just because she is constantly in our ears at 5 in the morning meowing and just playing with our hands/feet for us to wake up and then she runs back in the living room. She will be right at the door just meowing throughout the night. Cats only wants attention when they want it! He is so use to you jumping out of bed when he cries that he continues to do so just cause he can and that is a game to him. I would just ignore him once in a while to let him know that your in charge.

  10. You could try keeping him in the bedroom with you so he gets to snuggle up with you.

  11. he is just training you.

    more toys. boxes, bags, string tied to door k***s, tunnels and caves made out of blankets ,furniture and closets.

    move the food and litter box into your room.

    and, ignore his cries.

  12. A few things to take into consideration:-  

    * Make sure the cat has food, water, and a clean litter box. Your kitty could simply be communicating that she wants something to be done about one of those things.

        * Figure out when your cat is not meowing. Is it a certain time of day or during a certain activity? If you pay attention to kitty, does she continue to meow? When does she start again? Then, try to find a way to continue whatever activity stops the meowing (for example, if kitty consistently meows after you stop playtime, get some games for her to amuse herself with after you go to bed)


        * Consider a trip to the vet. When cats are vocal, they are usually trying to communicate something to us... check with your vet to make sure your pet is healthy. There are certain times when cats are noisier, like when they are in heat or pregnant.

    Many times kitties meow for attention... and many times they meow exactly when we wouldn't (or couldn't) pay attention to them. I agree with the general consensus to ignore pets when they behave in attention-seeking ways. However, the big problem with this is often the pets don't stop immediately. That can be very frustrating... and makes it hard not to pay attention. Which just continues the cycle!

    You need to try to break the cycle. If pets get a response from you by doing something (meowing, barking, etc.), they are just repeating that action to get a response again. The first rule of thumb is do not respond directly to the cat’s meowing even to get up, shush, or yell – any response counts as one, even if it isn't a positive one. If your pet continues to meow, try a time out. Shut the door to the room you are in, when she stops meowing, she can come play. If she meows again, back out she goes. More than anything else, this will take time and patience. Good luck!

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