
Why does my cat do this....?

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i have a two year old male bear. he has a problem stepping on dark surfaces. we put down that peel and stick tile in our bathroom. we did a checker pattern with white and black. he will only step on the white tiles and not the black lol lol.. does anyone know why he would do this?

are cats color blind?? just curious?

another example for a long time whenever me and my boyfriend go to bed we both use different comforters. he will walk on his but he wont walk on mine. as if my blanket will hurt him or something..




  1. Sounds like your cat has a few idiosyncrasies that are kinda cute. Cats do things for their own reasons and not walking on the black tiles might be because he thinks they are holes in the floor.

    Not walking on your comforter simply means he enjoys walking on your b/f's more ;-))

    Most things about cats are very simple.

  2. Sounds like you just have a goofy cat!  Just love him for his cute ways... it doesn't really matter why him does them.

    My cat is goofy about things, too!  For example, she won't drink water from a dish with her tongue.  She is very dainty and dips her paw into the dish & then licks the water off her paw.  That's just the way she is!

  3. That is funny and weird. I have no explanation.

  4. That is tooo coool!!!   I had a cat a long time ago that I just knew had "issues" but until I heard your story...   well this is what he'd do;

    I had a set of flannel sheets that had sheep printed on them.  The sheep were all white execpt every now and then there was a black one.   Yup, you guessed it.  My cat, "Lucky" would attack the black ones only.

    This cat was sooo stupid,  he would sit underneath of our glass coffee table and hit his head every day by trying to jump up through the top forgetting it was not an open space.    And believe me, the table was not that clean....

    But I loved that entertaining old cat.  What a never ending source of joy.  May yours bring you as much!!

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