
Why does my cat drink water from the bathtub, and bathroom sink?

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It is perplexing to me because all of my other cats I have had did not go near any water, except their water-bowl.




  1. Some cats just seem to prefer to drink from a variety of sources.  My Maine Coon always jumps in the shower after I'm finished and "drinks" the water on the shower floor.

    Good Luck!

  2. Perhaps your cat prefers flowing water vs. still water. There are a few cats who do, which is why pet stores now carry ''water fountains'' for cats. Constantly flowing water to keep freshness, and a filter to keep the water clean.

    I just got one for my own cats. Not because they wanted it, but I got tired of how quickly they would dirty the still water by sticking their paws in it. :)

  3. Cats will drink any water that they find is clean and safe

    i have two ragdolls at home. i bought them a waterfiltration device.

    ever since they have not been near the toilet

  4. OMG!!!!! i just saw an episode bout this on animal planet. its like house cat house call. and maybe u can find that episode on u tube..

  5. Cats like flowing water. I use a Drinkwell cat fountain for my cats. If you decide to buy one, don't forget to change the water and clean the fountain thoroughly every 2-3 days.

  6. That is normall lots of cats do that

    just buy your cat another drinking bowl

    she/he might not like theirs now

    andd everytime you catch your cat scold him/her

    so that they dont continue if you dont like it


  7. I don't know, that's weird because my cat does that too! She is a weirdo, though. Maybe toilet water tastes better? lol She also laps up sweat after someone has gone on our elyptical machine. Eew.

  8. he don't like her water-bowl and he drink from a bigger and better for her

  9. I had a cat that would sleep in the bathroom sink! It was so funny and you could even turn on the water and he would just lay there!!..He was so cute, and he would hang out in the bath tub, and jump in the shower while people were taking showers...some cats like water..strange I know!

  10. Both our cats love to drink from the bathroom sink... the older one while the water is running, like while brushing our teeth or washing and the younger, when we finish and leave some clean water in the bowl. It's a regular every night routine, before bedtime.  They also drink from their bowl, which I change everyday.  

  11. its thirsty.  

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