
Why does my cat face the fireplace and meow when she wants to go outside?

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Why does my cat face the fireplace and meow when she wants to go outside?




  1. She faces the fireplace (not to kill her self!!!!!!!) but to see the dancy flames and feel the warmth!!!

    Do you have a cat flap as meowing is the only way to be let out if you don't have a cat flap! If you do it may be because she don't like it or she wants you to know that she has gone out!!!!

    Hope this helps :]


  2. it wans to kill itself in the fire

  3. She hears birds on or in the chimney and associates it with outside.

  4. it wants to kill itself??thats the only reason i can think of!!!!!best of luck with figuring it out!!!:p

  5. maybe she want t0 p0o outside or s0mething..

    i mean it's good for ya..bcause y0u kn0w what wants t0 do when she's facing the fireplace...

    .. cat scartches the door when she wants t0 go 0ut..haha

  6. It could be many reasons. She could hear something outside and wants to get it. She could hear or even see something in the fireplace and is just talking to it (my cat does that all the time, she's kind of crazy though). This may sound crazy, but maybe she just wants to meow? I mean that in no sarcastic way. What makes you think she wants to get out? She could just be meowing in general, with no reason behind it. I think there are lots of reasons, all but her wanting to kill herself--I don't think that's it at all.  

  7. i think its because she smells the outdoors from the fireplace. or maybe she just likes it, my cat loves to lay by the fireplace when its lit because its warm. i guess we really never know why cats do the things they do.  

  8. that's one confused cat

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