
Why does my cat freak out when I talk the dog outside to go potty?

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Everytime I take my dog outside to go potty my kittens freak out and cling to the screen on the door and meow. It's weird because they are calm when I'm in the house.




  1. Neurotic kitties with abandonment issues.

    That's strange... most cats I know are overly independent, and wouldn't give a c**p.

    Maybe they'll grow out of it.

  2. Maybe they have separation anxiety and don't want you to leave them or perhaps the want to go outside.

  3. i'm not sure that happens alot and for different reasons...

    it could be because it thinks your not coming back, or your gonna do something bad with the dog..or it just wants the attention haha

    answer mine?;...

  4. The kittens miss the dog and want the dog back.  I think that's cute.

  5. Maybe they don't understand what the dog is doing and think he's disgusting.

    Cats, as you probably have noticed, are very clean animals.  They don't just defacate in the middle of the yard like dogs do.  They have a specific spot where they go and they cover up their mess.

    But you haven't really explained the situation well enough so it could be something completely different.

    Do you let them outside?  If not, maybe they want outside.

    Do they meow when you go outside without the dog?

    Do they meow when you go out with the dog and the dog doesn't do his business?

    Do they ever cling to the screen door at other times?

  6. separation anxiety  

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