
Why does my cat go all crazy when they don't recognize it; they paw at it and jump back and are all freaked.?

by  |  earlier

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Just last week my cat did this to my husband's shoes. He was pawing at them and jumping back until he realized they weren't gonna paw him back. Just tonight I had a small pack of toilet paper that he was acting weird and pawing at like he thinks it's alive and gonna get him. It's cute and funny but why do they do this?




  1. all cats do that...if they hear a noise or see something move...they go after it....they can't tell the difference between a cat toy or a shoelace or bag...they're all toys/prey to cats and ready to be pounced upon!

  2. Sounds like a normal, young fella!

    He's just playing. My cat did the same when he was young.

    Let him enjoy his youth!

    Maybe get him more cat toys and catnips!

  3. My new kitten does this, anything new in the house he has to check out first, even if it's not new but smells a bit different he will check it out and play with it. He is especially confused when my husband comes in with his bike helmet on he goes crazy and runs at him pawing his legs. A soon as he takes it off he's back to normal. He's just checking whats coming in and out of his house, checking if its a threat or something he can play with

  4. lol ... cute. I think they're just playing. Mine was giving h**l to anything she could get to on my desk today papers, pens, wallet ...

    Then they get bored and go back to sleep :P

  5. The freaking out and jumping back thing is because the object in concerne is new/strange.

    If I drop a black hat or something on the floor near my cats they will jump back and act all weird because it is new and they worry that this object could be another animal and chase after them. They are very careful. When they realise it is not going to hurt them, they will play with it like it is a toy and make a game out of it.

    Its very normal, I love watching my cats walk up to something, like a long black scarf, they creep up to it, back off, creep up, back off, until they realise, ha ha ha, its only a scarf.

    Thanks for sharing that with us, I have had fun answering the question, cheers, Jane.

  6. instinct.

    they are not sure if it will attack, so they are careful.

    if it was prey, it might be playing dead.

    and, i think it is just a way of playing.

  7. LOL

    i wish i had a cat

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