
Why does my cat have lentigo (black freckles in his mouth) at only 3 years old?

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Does anybody else have an orange tabby this young who has them? I thought only older cats got them.




  1. Hi Kitty.

    These black spots and blotches in mouth, on lips & gums, nose & eye line are on my red (orange which is a colour based on the female genetic allele) tabby and white boy Izzy (inner lip) and on my Tortie (again in the red/orange female genetic allele) Silver tabby and white girl Layna who has them on her right lower outside lip, inner top and bottom right sided gum & cheek, inner right nostril & on her lower eye line on both sides in spots, blotches and lines.

    I think it's to do with the red X gene on the alleles which contributes to these freckles, spots & blotches since black is present in the red series of cat.

    Although, these freckles can develop and appear as a cat gets more mature, but it's quite common for the red series cat to be born with freckles and spots, as well, in the mouth, nose and eye area.

    This is called Lentigo Simplex which is completely harmless. But, just to make sure since red series cats do tend to have pale pink or red brick colour noses, so this part of their body could be more prone to UV, I'd ring your vet just to put your mind at ease!!!

    Here's a link with an idea as to what may cause these spotting/freckling -

    All the very best and hugs to your babies.


  2. I have an orange tabby that also has them. He is currently 2 years old, but he's had them almost since he was born.

  3. My two boys are orange and white, one is 2 yrs old and the other will be 2 in a month and they've developed them as well.  

  4. A lot of orange and calico cats get them. They tend to start out with a few and get more as they get older. They usually start after they are a year old or so. They can get them in their mouth, on their lips and sometimes even their nose.  

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