
Why does my cat have " behavioral" problems ?

by  |  earlier

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my cat is 2 years old, she is not fixed ( we were planning to get her fixed but the veterinarian determined it wasn't a safe route to take due to the fact that she had an infection that needed to clear up first) anyways. if you touch her she will make a loud yowl and then hiss, swat, or bite. BUT, the weird thing is, is that she sleeps with me and she is the most lovable pet in the world. she'll cuddle, purr, give a little cute meow. but then in the morning or day, i better watch out or she'll attack. what does this mean? am i doing something wrong ? =[. i love her, and i do not abuse her in any way, so what could be making her act this way ?




  1. I think you have answered your own question. It is time to have that cat spayed. It will reduce her anxieties and aggressions and give you more of a relaxed pet.

    Not to mention the peace of mind of knowing that you won't accidentally be bringing any more little eyes into the world that say "don't kill me!"

  2. Is she like that all the time?  Could be her hormones.  If she's not fixed, she's got raging hormones just like us crazy women get when we are PMSing!!  The first thing I would suggest is to get her spayed.  I would think that would help her out alot.  

    Another thought is there something that could be upsetting her?  A cat hanging around outside maybe?  Cats are territorial - perhaps she is stressed by another cat in her territory.

  3. She's a SHE. I have a 1 yr old female. She is supper lovey at night, but a grouch during the day.

    I would also check with the vet. She may have some sensativity you aren't aware.

    If not, she's probably just going to be that way. She thanks you for loving her anyway.

  4. Some cats, especially those with feral blood, don't like to be touched. Do you play with her, like with a toy attached to an elastic cord? Sounds like she may enjoy that, and not hurt you while your playing with her.

  5. If she has an infection then that is going to bother her during the day, especially as cats are really supposed to be nocturnal creatures. So she is more aware of any pain associated with it during the day and doesn't like to be physically handled during that time. At night she is more relaxed and it isn't so bad.

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