
Why does my cat insist on screaming in the middle of the night?

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About 4-5 nights out of every month, she'll just cry and meow all night long. I'll wake up and go see what's wrong but nothing seems the matter.. she's just sitting there.

I'll pet her and rub her stomach until I think she's okay. Then I go back to bed.

Then it'll just start up again.

I've tried putting her in the room with my hubby & me, but she hates that even more.

My husband is getting very frustrated and doesn't want to keep her anymore- we get NO sleep some nights.

What can I do to stop her incisive 'loudness' during the night?




  1. Is she spayed? She could be calling for a mate if not.

    If she is spayed, don't get up and go to her. That's encouraging the behavior - when she yowls, you give her attention.

  2. She wants to mate. Get her spayed.  

  3. Because she's a cat !

  4. its a cat thing belive me. my cat does the same thing but all the time she just will not stop talk that just the way she is !!! and i deal with it maybe your cat just wants a little more time with you some nights then others !!!

  5. First realize that you cannot make a cat sleep when you do, but you can change their behavior. Many times in the morning they will meow like crazy because you get up and feed him, (hoping that will make him shut up) and go back to bed. They meow, then you get up and feed them, pet them or play--whatever you think they want. This is why they meow again later, because they know they will get a reaction from you. This is called conditioning.  So, you need to stop reacting; just ignore it.

    More info:

    Felines are nocturnal, (naturally more active at night or early morning hours).  They sleep a lot, (16 hours) mostly during the day.  When dusk or dawn sets in, their instinct tells them to hunt.  It is also the most productive time of the day to catch prey.

    When you compare the cats sleeping habits and human sleeping habits, it’s actually no wonder when some felines are perfectly happy to wake us up at 3 am and ask for food or for entertainment.  We probably don't appreciate it as much and it can become quite a strain when those early wake-ups happen regularly.

    • Schedule a vigorous play session, (at least 15 minutes) before you go to sleep, then feed the cat.  A cat that is all worn out from playing, and has a full belly will be less likely to bother you when you're asleep.

    • Don't be tempted to get up and play with your cat in the middle of the night when it demands it.  If you do, your cat will make a habit of it and won't understand when you suddenly refuse. Remember, consistence in your behavior will be more effective in changing their behavior.

    • Don't feed your cat as soon as you get up. Do your morning routine, such as make coffee, pet him and then feed him. This way he won’t think you got up only to feed him.

    • If ignoring doesn't work, invest in an automatic feeder that opens at the requested early time, the cat will help itself and won't bother you as much, or, if you're feeding dry food, fill up the bowl just before you go to bed, so that there is still plenty left for the morning

    • Keep your bedroom door shut, so that your cat can't physically wake you up

    • If it starts meowing and scratches the door, try to ignore it and don't react, after a while your cat will figure out that meowing doesn't help and it will retire

    • Be aware that any reaction of you, positive or negative, will actually encourage your cat to go on with the attention seeking behavior

    • Be strict!

  6. "I guess I should mention that she's still a kitten."

    Cats can begin going into heat at an age of 4-5 months. If your cat has not already been spayed, then she needs to be.

  7. She may be coming into heat.  If so, she needs to be spayed.  

  8. If she's not spayed then that's definetly it... that or she just gets lonely.

    My cat meows at night like that and it's because she's playing with her toys and "talking" to the fake mice.

    I hope you don't get rid of her just because of the noise disturbance - what would happen if/when you guys have a baby??!

    Good luck!

  9. Might I suggest ear plugs?

  10. Basically she going in heat...

  11. Don't forget cat's are nocturnal! :> I have two female cats and one male and they are extremely hyper at night. Fortunately they have each other to keep company.

    She might just be bored or want to go outside. I don't personally let my cat's out because stray cats have hurt them and it just makes them even more annoying during the night. I would assume she wants attention from boredom, though. And she know's you'll come out to see her now.

    Or it could be that she wants to go outside because this 4-5 nights a month are when other cats outside are in heat and getting a little crazy. But...yeah, I wouldn't let her out.

    My best answer: Throw her in the garage if you have one (with a warm bed and plenty of food and water) and stuff the bottom crack with a blanket to mute her. awful as it sounds: Get another cat so she has someone to play with when she's most awake.

  12. probally because she is lonly my cat does that when she thinks she is the only one home try to put her on your bed and pet her until she falls asleep that always works for me! :) good luck!!! and dont get rid of your kitty she just wants some attitenion!!!! :D  

  13. I think you mean "incessant" but anyway...

    Sounds like your cat is in heat...  oh, if she's old enough... Get her spayed.

    She could also be hearing something that spooks her that you can't hear.

  14. she is in heat!  getting a cat spayed does not allways help, but will most of the time.... so try getting her spayed.

  15. because she is a kitten, she could be scared and feel lonely in the dark. You could maybe get a companion, so she doesn't feel alone and scared or you could talk to your vet about the problem.

  16. Either she is in heat or lonely. I have a cat that does that also, but it is because she thinks she is alone or if she is carrying a toy around she maybe trying to find you so she can bring it to you. All I do is sleep with my bedroom door open and when she starts to cry I call her name and she comes and jumps on my bed, brings me her toy and usually hangs out for a little while and leaves again. You might want to get her a buddy and sleep with your door open, don't lock her in. I have other cats so mine is not lonely she just wants to know I'm around. She is 5yrs and still does it.

  17. Mine used to do the same...but she was really old and we put her down...but I'd go to the never know it could be suffering??

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