
Why does my cat keep pooping and peeing in the same spot?

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My cat keeps peeing/pooping in the same spot on the same couch.

This is the only place she will go.

It's a red leather couch.

Why is this and how do I stop it.




  1. ummm.... put the litter box there?  

  2. what does the litter box look like?  is it dirty and smelly?  some cats like a very clean litter box (mine included) and if it doesn't measure up they'll find somewhere more appealing.  Remember that clean to you may not be clean to your cat.  My suggestion would be to buy another litter box (total of at least two) and scoop the litter daily and thoroughly wash the litter boxes weekly.  Put the litter boxes in two separate locations (if you have a multi story home, put one on each floor).  If the litter box is too remote to get to, they'll find something closer if they can't hold it.  I doubt your cat is marking territory if she's also pooping, so you need to make sure her litter box is inviting.  Also, buy a cleaning product to eliminate the smell of cat urine/f***s.  Cats are attracted to their own waste smells and will come back and resoil if it's not cleaned.  Thank goodness it's leather and not fabric, it's a lot easier to clean.  I have included a very helpful website I have frequented with questions.  They are very knowledgeable

  3. u need to lock her up in a small room by herslef w the litterbox , some food and water. trust me she'll quit using tht chair and use the box. just leave her in there for a week or so.. when she gets out she'll be soo use to the box she wont p**p anywhere else!! this worked for me!

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