
Why does my cat l**k me like she is breast feeding from her mother with her paws on me moving back and forth.

by Guest32095  |  earlier

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why is it that my cat licks me like she is breast feeding from her mother with her paws on me moving them back and forth and l*****g and sucking my clothes at the same time????? this is not a sick joke, this is what my 12week old kitten does.




  1. Aww, just being a kitten, kneading and all that.  The kitten was just weaned from the mother, it's natural behavior and it's also really cute.  Don't worry, the kitten will mostly grow out of it, but cats knead, it's just what they do.  A sign of affection, and it's like a free massage!  

    So cute!

  2. Domesticated cats tend to retain a bit of kitten in them.  l*****g you is actually a grooming activity, which kittens will do to each other and mother cats do to their kitten.  Kneading is what a kitten does to stimulate milk flow from her mother.  It's a sign of contentment.  Some cats who were weaned to early will suck on fabric, especially wool, as it's a comfort thing.

    My 17-year-old cat doesn't knead, but she sometimes licks my face and still likes to lie on top of me.

  3. is she still around her mother? if not, i think this means she misses her mother... or maybe its because she thinks you are her mom because you feed her, and are around her alot.

  4. Its probably because ur cat was taken at a early age from her mother..My cat to this day does the same thing..both my cats sucks on a old fuzzy hat I had and she sucks on it and moves her paws back and forth and my other cat accually sucks on my cloths when he does it..and the vent told me its because they were taken to younge

  5. l*****g us:

    When cats groom each other they are showing that they have a special bond, (as well as helping each other clean those hard-to reach spots like top of their heads and neck). When our cats l**k us, it's a similar sign; that they have accepted us as a part of the family and want to take care of us and show they care.


    This behavior is called "milk-treading." When you relax and sit quietly, you're giving your cat the same signal he got from his mother when he was a kitten - that his mother was ready to let him suckle.  A nursing kitten instinctively uses his paws to draw out the milk, gently pushing on his mother's stomach to increase the milk flow.  When older cats behave this way, it's a good sign that they're happy, content, and probably recalling their kitten hood.

  6. My little kitten is doing the same thing right now. He is about 6 weeks old. He was taken away from his mommy too soon. It's a normal habit your kitten may or may not grow out of. I heard of 12 year old cats still doing it.  

  7. Don't worry about it shes just missing her mum :) p***y cat did that for like 2 months after we got her. They grow out of it pretty quickly but sometimes the 'pawing' will stay. My cat is 2 years old now and still does the thing with her paws when she gets excited or needs a bit of loving haha. It's quite common :)

  8. Totally normal kitten behavior, I've had this happen with many kittens.

    The suckling / kneading thing often crosses over from the nursing / momcat thing to the human relationship.  Basically means your kitten feels safe and cared for.

  9. My cat does the same thing except he sucks on the sheets of my bed. And my cat is almost 5 years old.  I think it means they were taken away from their mother too early.

  10. Your cat is in love with you.

  11. A lot of kittens do this, it isn't unusual- it is actually a sign of contentment!  Your kitten thinks that you are her mother and is showing her love for you.  

    Your kitten will probably continue to 'knead' you with her paws for a long time yet, however the sucking should stop.  My 3 cats all sit on the couch with me and purr and knead my legs!  If it bugs you just clip her claws.  Male cats are more prone to drool when they knead or when they get attention, so you should be okay with that one since you have a girl.  When kittens are little they knead their mothers nipples to stimulate the milk flow so that they can suckle, this action is comforting for them so it can continue on into their adulthood, especially if they were taken from their mother at a very early age.

    Remember, she's just a baby!  She just wants to be with you as you make her feel safe and loved!

  12. It's a source of comfort for most kittens and cats. Most people call it making "biscuits" when they knead an area on your body. I have a cat that is 7 years old and does this same thing on a blanket of mine. Don't worry it's normal it just means they are happy and content.

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