
Why does my cat like sugary foods?

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okay, i read somewhere that cats are unable to taste the sweetness in foods..but my cat loves sugary foods. whenever anyone comes near her with ice cream, marshmallows, chocolate, cakes, etc. she always runs over and tries to eat it. why is this??




  1. She's just got a sweet tooth.  Its not common but not unheard of for animals to crave things that are not a part of their normal diet.  

    Try not to give her any, to much sugar could kill her, but I'm sure you already know that.  Bring it up at your next vet appointment, your vet might be able to recommend a supplement or treat you can give her to satisfy her sweet tooth without stealing people sweets.

  2. Cats generally don't taste sugar, there must be something about the smell, the flavor minus the sugar, or the cat assumes these things are tasty because you like them.

    Please avoid giving your kitty chocolate, it can be toxic.

    Also be careful about the amount of any of this stuff that she eats in general, cats can get diabetes too.  Even "safe" human food should only be given in small amounts.

  3. Please don't feed your cat sugar unless you are brushing her teeth regularly and taking her to the dentist for regular cleanings. Sugar causes tooth decay in cats just like it does in humans

  4. yeah thats what my cat does with marshmellows! keepep the choc away from cats thought because it contains an ingredient which is poinsonous for cats! :-)

  5. they taste it but not in the same way we do, cats actually have very sensitive taste buds, it's possible she likes those foods but not because of sugar, most marshmallows and cakes have a milky kinda flavor, and please stop giving her chocolate that's bad for animals it can even kill them. Marshmallows should be fine though hehe

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