
Why does my cat like to squeeze himself into boxes?

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My cat is about a 14 lbs. He's a hefty little guy, but he absolutely loves squeezing himself into boxes that are too small for him. I have a picture of him in a box where his head, one leg, and tail are sticking out because he doesn't fit in it! He loves to sleep in them too, but I don't see how he's comfortable at all because he's so..fat, lol.




  1. he perhaps feels cosy in them. if he likes it, let him. there is nothing you can do :P

  2. Cats are sometimes called "shape shifters" because of the way they squeeze in to things. Your cat is perfectly normal to be doing this. You might want to consider scolding him when he does it if you do not like it.

    Best of luck =D


    Look on You Tube and you will see cat's geting into kleenex boxes...

    Sorta like a really cozy place to sleep

    I would be carful though that he doesn't get into things that might harm him.

  4. Because he can besides everyone loves a tight kitty.

  5. Most cats love to do that.  It's in their nature to squeeze into small spaces.  My cats do that all the time.  Pretty funny, huh?

  6. In nature, if you watch the "big cats", they hide in trees, behind rocks and in tall grasses.  He's doing what is in his genetic background and finding a safe spot to sleep in.  Why don't you make a sleeping box for him?  Just a big cardboard box turned upside down with a just-large-enough hole for him to get in and out of.  Decorate the outside with colored contact paper and inside put a large pillow with a little cat nip on it.  He'll probably love it and have his piece and quiet!

  7. My cat is 14 lbs too, and does the same thing!  They are funny little you're not alone :0)

  8. For his amusement, and yours. My 21 pounder regularly tries to clamber into a basket big enough for an eight pounder, it's hysterical.

    But you should give him a box he will fit into once in a while.

  9. "curiosity killed the cat"

  10. I have a fat cat that does the same thing(= I don't know why they do it, but it is really cute and funny. maybe they want to be in a place that they feel safe and secure in.

  11. I have a 13 pounder who does the same, guess they like to feel snug.

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