
Why does my cat run around like crazy after going p**p?

by Guest61503  |  earlier

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My cat is 3 years old. Ever since I can remember he's always ran around like crazy all over the house after he goes p**p. Why?? Do other cats do this?




  1. Mine does - I just assumed that its because they've taken a load off their mind.

  2. you know all of our cats have also done that, and we have had 5 cats. probably just got energy.

  3. mine does that.. she also meows before she does it too, like she doesn't like the feel of it being there ready to come out (whos knocking on my back door.. sorry TMI)

    but i think it feels great onces its gone... LOL

  4. my cat does the same thing, I love it! lol

  5. It's normal for them to do these things. My male cat does it all the time. It's just another trait that makes cats, cats.

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