
Why does my cat throw up everything she eats?

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For years now my cat has been puking up her food. We took her to a vet 3 years ago and was told she was just fine. We switched her food to science diet but still have the same results. Anybody know why she throws up after eating?




  1. she play with that..

  2. she might be wolfing down her food too fast and therefore throwing it right back up...if its been going on for 3 years...i really don't know what is wrong...maybe another vet visit?...if shes nervous about something or faced with a competitor for her food she won't be able to keep it down sometimes...maybe its some type of stomach problem...does she sit in a hunched up position...that indicates stomach pain and veterinary care is necessary as she might have fip (feline infectious peritonitis) this disease is deadly and she will probably not live very long if she has this and since this has been going on for years i doubt she has may be a hairball give her mineral oil maybe that will help...i don't know...if she has stool problems such as diarrhea/constipation then its a digestive problem...another vet visit may help but i doubt it

  3. is your cat a tabby cat case if it is then i know the problem i have a tabby cat she dose that 2 but i ask my vet and they said its case u r supost 2 give them a feeding time like lunch,dinner o and brekfast....if u just lay it out all day it mackes them think thay can just eat all they want but wacth ur cat and see if he or she is eating to fast they just like chunk it down they hardly chew it if it dosent stop i would ask ur vet case my cat eats wet food now and when she eats fast i take the food and get a little bit of it then i put it on a spon and let her take her time........

  4. please, get a second opinion, from a different vet!

    how can the cat be "fine" vomiting every single day?would you think:if you or any relative threw up everything:that's OK?

    something is wrong with her digestive system:get some blood tests done:pancreas, liver function,kidney function.

    Science Diet is really low quality, vet clinics push it, because they make money, each time  they sell a bag!

    Try something for sensitive cats:Natural Balance or Wellness CORE(no grain diet) or Orijen

  5. She maybe eating too much at one sitting.  She may not feel full until it is too late.

    Try giving her  exact portions at a time allowing her to only eat just a bit less than her stomach will hold.

    Good luck!

  6. How old is your cat?

    I have a cat who's almost 12.. She's old and her teeth aren't that strong anymore. She threw up a LOT and we found out that it was because she wasn't chewing her food-- she was swallowing the pieces whole, and then her stomach couldn't digest it.

    We switched to soft food for her.

    If it's been 3 years since a vet checked her out, I'd take her to a vet again and tell them what's going on-- it's never a good sign when a cat throws up that often.

  7. she could possibly be bulimic

    its a seriosu dissorder and i think you shoudl have your cat taken to a physcologist right away

    if this continues she could end up putting her health at serious risk

    she seems like an indoor cat, i dont want to be too quick to judge bu t*t sounds as though you put way too much pressur eon her

    maybe YOU could lose a few pounds, huh? HUH

    yeah i see your avatar

    being a little generous arent you?


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