
Why does my cat throw up immediately after eating?

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Why does my cat throw up immediately after eating?




  1. buleimic cat

  2. My cats do this when they eat too fast and also when they have hair balls. Keep your cat groomed and give them a paste you'll find at a pet store for hair ball digestive..It basically helps to keep down the food and coat their insides so the hair balls go down.

  3. If he's throwing up chunks of food then he's eating too fast and not chewing enough.

    He may be nervous for some reason and rushing eating.  Some will just eat the regurgitated bits.  

    Lately one of mine was doing that, except his food was chewed.  He had an inflamed colon, probably from finding something that wasn't food and eating it.  He couldn't keep anything down until he started on a couple anti-biotics and kitty antacid from the vet.

    There may be something really wrong or you may just need to move his food to a quieter location.

    Definitely talk to the vet if he keeps it up.  It could be a sign of something very serious.

  4. Hi Big Fella,

    Miranda hit the nail on the head  with her answer with the reasons she wrote about what may be causing this.

    One thing you can do to help prevent this kind of "up-chucking" after eating , (and do seek veterinary advice also just to rule out any underlying medical condition), is to feed him smaller portions more often during the day. Some cats prefer to eat smaller amounts, going back for more food once the food has left their stomachs, and some cats gobble. Feeding smaller portions more often can help prevent this.

    Hope this is helpful,


    Owned by cats for over 40 years

    Former breeder of Oriental Shorthairs and Siamese

  5. Proberly hair balls,though if its every night then see a vet.

  6. There is a good possibility of hair balls.  A trip to the vet just may solve the cats and your problems.

    All the Best

  7. your cat has something lodged in his throat stoping the food from going down you need a vet x

  8. If your cat is vomiting immediately after eating, you need to take it to the vet ASAP.

  9. Your cat has hairballs.  My cats, long haired, were throwing up after eating too.  I keep them shaved but had slacked off shaving them.  It seemed everytime they ate, they puked.  I had cat throw up, lots of it, everyday.  I was even using the hairball food and hairball stuff they eat.  Nothing was working.  I finally shaved them and the throwing up has stopped.  Have your cats groomed and see what happens.

  10. bulimia definitely.

    tell her she doesn't look fat in that coat.

  11. Your cat is probably over eating or eating too fast. Especially if it happens shortly after eating. Vomiting is pretty normal for cats. My cat used to throw up a lot when she was a kitten. She has vomited only once this year.  i don't think this is something that you need to rush to the vet for. Try putting a little less food in the bowel. Maybe your cat does not really like the food you are feeding it.

  12. Does it always do it, if not sounds suspicious, could it have swallowed/eaten something it shouldn't have. I'd take it to the vet ASAP if I were you.

  13. This can mean two things.

    Either your cat has hairballs, which is a fairly common condition, but still you should consult your vet or your cat is eating far too fast.

    You should consult the vet's office ASAP.

  14. I don't think you need to rush it to a vet ASAP, as others on here said. My cat does it now and then, it is because they gorge their food all at once. Many cats do this. Just give a tiny bit to start (maybe 1/4 cup or less) let him finish that and then give a little more.

    In my cat's case he just hogs his food down too quickly. Try this, and if it is still happening, then yes I would see your vet.

  15. vet ASAP

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