
Why does my cat throw up?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 7-year-old cat that throws up saliva every night. There is no food or bile, just clear saliva and sometimes a just a few strands of hair but never a full on hairball. Why does he do this and what can I do to make him stop? We've taken him to the vet before and he is not sick, he just throws up. Any suggestions?

Also, why is it that cats love to throw up on couches or carpet or any other expensive piece of furniture, but NEVER on tile or hardwood or any other easy-to-clean surface?!!!




  1. he is getting oldish,,,,,,,,idk,,,,,,,,,,srry

  2. The last paragraph to your question is also something I wonder about (and you make me laugh, too!)  I have no idea why cats are so good at throwing up on expensive carpets and furniture and NEVER on the tile or hardwood floor where it would be a breeze to clean up.  I think that it stems from an instinct that they not be recognized in the wild SICK as that would make them easy prey...right?  That is the only answer I can come up with and I have had INSIDE cats forever!!!!

    Truly, I never let my cats out, as they will/can get run over by all the cars that fly by (at least here in N. california where I live.)

    "Even the smallest feline is a masterpiece"

    Leonardo DaVinci...and he just might know what a masterpiece is if ANYONE knows.

    PS...Please forgive any typing errors.  I can't locate the spell check here this morning.

  3. hes at that age of where he is going to be doing that. its ok.... nothing wrong you cant really get him to stop. Um... Most animals do throw up or pee or p**p on expensive things..... cant really fix it lol

    They are just like HA. I'm gonna throw up here. and sometimes it has to do with, there older and its like..... Oh f*ck wtf am I going to do :/ and it just comes out,  

  4. 1. Maybe he/she is just throwing up bits of a hairball.

    2. I have a dog that will only throw up on carpet,we went to the vet one day and he said when she throws up, she will throw up were ever she is standing.

                                 Hope I Helped  

  5. Cats are fickle. My personal opinion is they throw up on everything except bare floors just to see if you will clean it

    Its probably just coughing up little hairballs, or a stray hair or two that got caught in the back of his mouth. There is a paste that is for hairballs. You put a little bit of it on the top of their paw and they l**k it up. You can get at just about any pet supply place. It is suppost to help the hairball pass through them, instead of them coughing it back up.  

  6. Your cat felt old.

  7. Are they eating the houseplants? Cats eat the plants and throw up to help with their digestion. Also they probably go on couches because they aren't feeling well and want to be comfortable.

    Answer mine?;...;...

  8. maby he has a hair ball but it wont come out

  9. it could be many things if he has thick fur i could be hair in his throat or if you use stuff like flee spray or things on him when he licks it, it foams in the mouth causeing him to saliva alot it could also be that he could have a cut in his mouth either from fighting or scratching that could make him produce more saliva  

  10. I think poor Tiddles is suffering from bulimia.

  11. I dont know why your cat is throwing up, but my theory on the throwing up on expensive stuff is because cats like to see their slaves work lol

    Im sure my cat purposely throws up in the most inconvenient places for ME it can find lol

  12. prob something ur cat ate

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