
Why does my cat want me to remain uninformed?

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He won't let me read the paper. The minute I open it up, wham o! There he is to trample all over it.




  1. I think it may be the noise. Whenever I spread out my notes from class, my female cat will lay across them. She also will sit on my laptop, open or closed. My male cat will lay behind my laptop and watch me type.

    They will both lay on an unopened newspaper on a table.

    Cats are just funny I guess!

  2. maybe he is just trying to get the sports page from you.

  3. if it was a sunday that this happened he/she wanted the colored comics section. Other than that he/she didn't want u to see its mugshot from yesterday when he/she stole your car and robbed a bank and almost made it back for a nice poopie in the litter box when the coppers snatched his/her tail.!!!!!!!!!!

  4. He's probably just concerned with your tension level.  

    Plus, papers are really fun to romp among.  And surely you couldn't resent his amusing himself with your paper?  I mean, there will always be another.  Right?


  5. My cat will jump up on my desk and sit on my keyboard and block the monitor. I think it's to get attention.

  6. This is TYPICAL cat / kitten behavior.  If you want "peace" while reading your paper, take the section that you DON'T read, and let him have it!  Put in on the floor, some ways away from you, and let him play, roll, tear, drag, etc.  He'll LOVE it!!

    Good luck.................

  7. Yes, your cat doesn't care if you want to read the paper, or whether you're informed or not.  You are supposed to be paying attention to him.  Didn't you know that?  lol  I love to read in bed.  When I had my cat, he would get between me and the book, and lay down on my tummy, and block my reading.  Now, that was something he wouldn't do unless I had a book in front of me.  And me, like a fool, would lay there and raise the book high enough, so I could continue to read.  I don't know if I was so engrossed in the book that I didn't realize what I was doing, until my hands would start falling asleep, but I don't think I ever thought about picking him up and moving him.  Dummy me!  ...and my spoiled animals!

  8. LMAO! I have the same problem only I have six cats. they crawl up in my lap and put their paws at the top of the page and pull it down to

    look at my face!!  

  9. He needs and wants to play with you.  He is not doing it because you are reading the paper.  My cat will do this no matter what I'm doing.  WHEN they want to play is when THEY want to play - and sometimes, it doesn't fit into our schedule.  I bet you if you stop reading, play a little with him (use a laser if you don't want to get up), he'll let you read the paper when he's done playing.  Good Luck.

  10. He thinks you shouldn't be interested in anything but him, cats are totally self-obsessed. Mine used to sit on my book when I was trying to read and one of them went through a stage of trying to kill the phone and would hide my cell phone from me. They also like to block the computer monitor.

    I like how unabashed they are about it!

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