
Why does my chicken taste like this?--u experienced this?

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okay when i grill chicken it tastes delicioso the first day but then when i have leftovers and microwave it... its just disgusting.. u know how fish gets fishy? its like chickeny and also white goo on it i wipe off.. it taste like super concentrated chicken so i never eat leftovers now




  1. The white goo is probably congealed fat.  You can take off the skin, and cover the dish with saran or waxed paper, before you microwave it....  

  2. It needs to be stored in an air-tight container such as Tupperware or Glad. Be sure you drain off any excress fat. Do not microwave it reheat it in the oven. It will not taste as gooey this way!

  3. Ugh. Just gobble it all up the night you make it!

  4. this "white curd" is composed of chicken albumin, soluble proteins that are squeezed out onto the surface of the fish and coagulate once they denature during the cooking process. Most often, this curd is seen when salmon or chicken is canned, smoked, or poached. There's nothing harmful in it. There will always be a certain amount that comes out, and how you cook it is probably not going to affect that.

    The best way to check for doneness is not to wait for albumin to appear on the surface but to peek inside the fillet with the tip of a paring knife. If the look of the albumin really bothers you, use a damp paper towel to gently blot it off.

  5. That's because the day you first grill it, it is fresh but the next day it's already one day old and then you microwave it, it just gets even soggier

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