
Why does my child vomit every two months?

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Since my daughter was about 4 months old she will vomit every one to two months. The first sign is she'll tilt her head to the side (ear to shoulder) and get very quiet. Then she'll get pale, cold sweats and eventually vomit every ten mintues. After an hour or so, she'll go to sleep and wake up like nothing happened. She's 14 months old now and it's still happening and no one seems to be concerned about this except me. Even doctors don't have an answer; they say it's a stomach virus.. but every two months almost like clockwork?? Does anyone have an idea what this is or does their own child do this?




  1. If I were you I'd mark it on a calender to make sure its exactly 2 months apart, because that's really strange if it is. Then tell the doctor that. But I'm sure its nothing, babies have weird little illnesses all the time that are no big deal. Unless you don't trust her doctor you can always change doctors.

  2. maybe she just have a sensitive stomach just like my son he's 3 years old and he'd vomit if he ate something he don't like or ate to much or had a small cold on the tummy or was excited or coughed so ... don't worry i think it's absolutely normal

  3. How does the vomit look like? What is she vomiting up?

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