
Why does my clownfish have no fear?

by  |  earlier

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he never gets scared when i put my arm in when i do cleaning or if i bump the glass a little all the other fish do????




  1. well does he stay still?

  2. Nemo has seen it all.  He is fearless...

  3. He's a hardcore fish...

  4. Because his brain is the size of a grain of sand?

  5. because he is one badass fish

  6. dude. thats not even important at all. it doesnt matters

  7. well ur clownfish jus isnt scare. of  anyting.

  8. show him a black guy....he will go CRAZY

  9. bc he is a funny fish not a scared fishy :D !!!!

  10. because your arm smells like meatballs, of course !

  11. he thinks he is in a ref and he thinks he is safe

  12. Well, clownfish are a natrally aggressive species. I have a female maroon clown and she is mean as h**l! I mean, when im cleaning the tank she will try to bite me! She has even bitten my mom b4 and she said it hurt! Your clownfish does not want to run away or he is scared you will take his territory.

  13. animals have personalities just like people.

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