
Why does my cockatiel keep on grinding its beak?

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we brought it from another state so i think it could be stressed but i just wanted to make sure




  1. It's sort of like people who talk to themselves absentmindedly or tap their feet occasionally. He's just feeling comfortable and sometimes birds do this while relaxing. It's just a habit, and absolutely nothing to be worried about. My parakeets do this all the time. Just a silly bird thing:)

  2. Actually this means your bird is content and happy. They also do it sometimes before they go to bed when they get sleepy. :)

  3. Same as Britny.. it is probably just contented

  4. This is how they keep their beaks sharp. They are grinding their beak to keep it sharp.

    That little tid bit is in every Cockatiel book or pamphlet I have ever seen. This is a good example of a good reason to purchase a book about what ever species of birds that you have. I wouldn't think of adding a species without first purchasing a book or two. There are always great deals on Ebay on books. I bought a lot of 15 books for 25 dollars. The more you know about the bird you have the more success you will experience with your bird.  

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