
Why does my cockatiel sing when I wiggle my toes?

by  |  earlier

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My cockatiel, Levi, loves to sit on my leg while I'm in the chair and sing as I wiggle my toes. He will sit there and look at them, waiting for them to wiggle, and when they do, he sings for several minutes. Is there any reason why he'd have such a reaction or is he just as strange as we've thought him to be?




  1. Your bird is not weird. He is practicing his mating songs with you.The way you wiggle those toes of yours reminds him of the lady birds he use to know. It could also be his way of telling you he would like to keep you for his mate. Next time he sings his song for you offer him a treat from your plate (a bit of bread,carrot or pea). If he accepts the offering you have become his special someone for-ever. If your bird regurgitates seed in your direction he is not sick it's a love offering pretend to accept it.


  2. Sounds like he's playing with you. Get it on camera! you could submit it to a funniest video show and win!

  3. aw i wish my cockatiel did that!

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