
Why does my computer freeze so often?

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It tends to lock up when the screen saver goes on and when I reboot I can't double-click on my IE icon on my desktop unless I first disable my MSN messenger and that doesn't always help I have 300 MB of RAM and a Viewsonic Digital monitor My computer tech says all of this is nothing unusual Is he right?




  1. Could be any number of things causing that problem. First thing to do is disable the screen saver. There's no point running one if its crashing your machine. You can use energy settings to switch the monitor to standby as an alternative, and if this keeps your machine stable then thats the problem solved.

    Look, honestly, if you're doing all the right things like defragging, registry cleaning, regularly checking your hard disk for errors, making sure you have plenty of disk space free, all those basic maintenance tasks, and still cant figure out whats wrong with it, then the easiest thing might actually be to just reformat and start from scratch.

    I know that sounds radical, but if you cant solve the problem, that will probably fix the issue and at least get your machine stable again.

  2. Check out

    With pc optimizer pro you can safely clean, repair and optimize your computer.

    It will help improve your system performance and stop your computer from freezing.

    Good luck!

  3. At least your computer doesn't keep crashing like mine, I hate PC's :)

  4. There are several primary areas that could be causing your computer to freeze.The most likely reason is that Corruption within your registry keys, registry classes, and registry settings.Any time you make a change to any of your computers settings and surfing online, they are stored and updated in the registry.Over time,the registry can grow to enormous proportions and full of junk and errors.So if you run a program,it will take a long time to required registry file and sometime it cant find its registry files since regsitry errors and then it has to sit there.So your computer will freeze.

    You need to run a self diagnostic program called regsitry cleaner.This program is very very useful,it can fix regsitry errors,clean registry remnant,corrupt files and temp files in a few minutes.Then give you a bran-new and high-speed computer.There are collection and comparison of top rated registry cleaner: .You can download and scan your computer for free.

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