
Why does my computer need to be de-bugged all the time?

by Guest31813  |  earlier

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Why does my computer need to be de-bugged all the time?




  1. I don't know, why does your computer need to be de-bugged all the time?

  2. Whenever your computer is debugged it makes the computer a lot faster and debugging makes your computer last longer because there is less probability in your computer crashing.

  3. Could you be more specific?

  4. Well try staying off sites that you ussually go on and also try and get AVG or ZONE ALARM to monitor you computer while you go on and check to see itf your firewall is working properly!

  5. defragment it and delete any unwanted thing

  6. Each and every website you go to installs cookies to track you, spyware to track you as well as virus and other menacing bugs.  After every hour of computer use i tend to clean out my cache for starters.  In windows xp try start, control panel, internet options and click on delete cookies, delete files and clear your history. They are all on the page in front of you.  You may also want to click on the privacy tab and adjust your levels as well as adjust the pop up blocker on the same page.  Most people have a firewall which has a cache cleaner within it.  I suggest you get a firewall to start and clean your cache every hour of computer use.  God (usa corporations) want to know what you are doing all the time.  STOP THEM!

  7. your probabaly have a virus. maybe a trojan or something..

    download avg free addition at and sweep your computer.

  8. its probably the programs you use. like internet, do you leave them open constantly. they probably let bugs in and corrupt your computer.  

  9. Because computers get bugs.

    It's not really rocket science.

  10. it dosent ignore the warning and wait to do the scans every other month. every time your computer gets something minor it gives you an alert it gets annoying so ignore it                                                                                

    if you want to be a goodietwoshoes about it  download a firewall it should keep most minor things out of your files

  11. too much pron watching from websites with computer-stds perhaps?  

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