
Why does my computer screen go blank? ?

by  |  earlier

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I have an IBM think-pad and the screen goes blank if i move the screen a millimeter & now if I move the computer at all it usually goes blank. No key will bring it back, is there something I don't know about this piece of c**p? I have to turn it off & start over, it took my 35 minutes to get on line to ask this question. My other laptop never does this. Just a minute ago it took the screen away with the question I spent 20 minutes typing away & it is gone, to a different screen, to make me sign in again. I thought you could fold this down & make the screen go blank & bring it back by hitting the space key or something but no, does not work. PLEASE DO NOT answer with any 'maybe you can...' 'or try this' . Please only answer if you have a think pad or know for sure what I may doing wrong, and know how think pads work.




  1. It could be the wiring of the LCD panel, either loose or perhaps shorting out?

    Do you have another external screen that you could connect to the VGA port of this laptop to make sure it is not the video card that is causing the problem.

    Usually a few screws and you can take the screen panel off. right above the keyboard, you should be able to pop open the slim part that is covering the top portion where the power/sound buttons are located. After you pop it open, you should be able to see the screws and even the LCD connectors.

    Of course this are somewhat generic instructions since I do not know the exact model you have.

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