
Why does my dad check the oil and water in my moms car once a month for her?

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Why does my dad check the oil and water in my moms car once a month for her?




  1. Uh, why wouldn't he?

    If you'd explained why you ask, we might be able to explain.

    Cars run best when they're properly maintained. Since it's likely your mom is less skilled at this, your dad takes it on.

  2. I think your dad is showing a great deal of love for your mom.

    My husband does the same for me even though I'd been taking care of myself for a long time before we married.

    I love  that he loves me enough to keep watch over my car.

  3. Maybe he really cares about how she is driving.

    Maybe he wants to keep it running so she dose not get a accident!

    Yahoo Moderator  

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